Page 133 of The Spy

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"I know it doesn't. You think I want to be kidnapped?"

He frowned. "We'll follow your lead any way you go. Just stay the fuck alive."

I grinned up at him. "Aw, mate, all this emotion, it's making me weak."

He smirked at me. "Shut it. You know, in case you die and shit, you're not too bad for a pent-up fucking twat."

I chuckled at that. "Yeah, well, same goes for you, mate. For a pretty boy billionaire, you're okay."

Saint grinned at me and gave me a nod. "Don't fucking die. Kaya would take it personally, and she’ll kick my ass if you do, yeah?"

I chuckled then. "Yeah mate, loud and clear. Saff already gave me the same speech."

He nodded. "Yeah, she'll kill Lachlan if you die too. So, honestly, your death would seriously impact the rest of the team. So if you could, maybe don’t do that."

"I'll do my best. Don't worry about it."

"That's what you don't understand. The same thing Tabs doesn't understand. We're family. Even if we don't like each other sometimes, we love each other. So if one of us does something stupid and kicks the bucket, we all feel it. Don't die."

When he strolled away, I turned my attention back to Tabatha. She was talking to Rook and his girlfriend, Nissa, now. Nissa had also brought her sister, Lenora.

Kaya and Nissa were responsible for getting all the Rogues out here. A few of the agents had brought partners from the outside world, all under the guise of having a big fancy party.

But all of my agents were in the know. This was hardly a swan song. I was a motherfucking Trojan horse, and the Syndicate was going to fall for this plan.

There were several times I caught Tabatha glancing over at me, and my gut churned. All the blood rushed straight to my cock.

Mate, that won't solve anything. She’s done with you.

I tried to distract myself. I even let my sister pull me into a dance.

"You keep staring at her like she's steak, and we're all going to start to think that we should give you two some privacy."

"I wouldn't mind if you did."

Saff grinned. "That's not the plan, big brother."

"You think I don't know that?"

"Look, from the time we leave, you'll have exactly one hour. What you do in that hour, is on you. Just be aware that we are all outside the house watching and listening. So keep the activities in the bedroom, yeah? Otherwise, that is going to be awkward for all involved."

I smiled down at her. "Don't worry, I have nothing to be ashamed of. Tabatha is very happy when we are together. Well, you know, when she doesn't hate me."

Saff snorted. "Eww. Look, just talk to her. She loves you, Gabe."

"I know. And I love her. But I fucked everything up."

"Well, it's less about the words you use when you're apologizing and more about how you plan to rectify it."

"I know. Believe me, I know. And I'm working on it. I have an idea, but right now, she hates me."

"No, she doesn't. You know that. Just keep chiseling away. You know Tabatha, you'll eventually get there."


Thirty minutes later, when the guests started filing out, I was scarily calm. Relaxed. Like I'd come to a place of peace. Nerves were not going to help me. They were all locked away until Tabatha came up to talk to me. "The house is in a tip. What do you want to do about it?"

I glanced around. "Leave it. A cleaning crew will come in tomorrow. It doesn't matter to me anyway. I won't be here to see it."
