Page 138 of The Spy

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"Oh, I didn't say anything about killing you, Gabriel Webb. You are far too valuable for that. Oh no, I am going to enjoy torturing you. You have lots of things to tell me. And for once, the Syndicate is going to get the upper hand. So you should get comfortable." He turned to one of the other lads. "Let's be a good host and get Tabatha a seat. After all, she'll be joining us. You see, Gabriel, her, I will kill. Although I’ll probably let my boys use her first. Nice tits on this one. Perhaps I'll pimp her for a little snack to friends. Make some nice coin off her."

I fought against my restraints then. "You son of a bitch."

"Ah, see now, you do care about her. Which makes it easier to use her to make you do what I want. You know, that's interesting. But does she care about you?"

Next to me, Tabatha shook her head. "Just bring me my fucking sister, and I'll get out of your hair. I don't need to be here for this."

While the lads approached her, she cracked her neck and assumed her defensive stance. Their leader, whatever the fuck his name was, laughed. "Nick, this one's feisty. You should have tranqed her first."

Nick made the mistake of turning to the bloke in the shadows, and Tabatha was on him in a second. The other three didn't even have time to react with their guns. She had their boy in a chokehold after an easy punch to the face, a snap back of his head, a twisting around her body to loop behind him, a foot to the back of the knee, dropping him as she dropped her weight, arm around his neck, turning both their bodies to use him as a shield. "Where the fuck is my sister?"

The other three had their guns up now and pointed them at Tabatha as Nick groaned.

"To be fair, Nick, I did tell you to tranq the bitch."

Tabatha grinned. "I will kill him." I watched as she tightened her hold, wondering how far she was going to take it.

I didn't know if it was instinct, but I saw the silver as he unsheathed a knife. "Tabs."

She had him though. She'd already seen his movements. She blocked the rest of the move and tightened her hold, using her knee on his lower back to bring him down, choking him even faster. "My sister or you lose him."

The guy in the shadows laughed. "Oh, you think I give a shit about them? They work for me. They're not family, so go ahead, kill him."

Tabatha lifted her head. The kid on the floor kept on fighting and then started going loose. "I will kill every soldier in here if I have to. Send another one to me, and I'll put him down just like I did this one."

"Yes, you're feisty."

I glanced down at the kid, and I could see him breathing. She was just putting him to sleep. I don't know why, but I was relieved because she hadn't completely lost herself. I turned to the man in charge as he stepped from the shadows. Michael Belfour. Short, stout, craggy face. I recognized him from our watch lists. "Belfour, let's get this show on the road. I already told you, she's nothing to me."

"We'll see about that." To the lad on the right, he inclined his head toward Tabs. "If I were you, I'd be smart and use the tranq on her."

The lad frowned as he approached. Tabatha put her hands up. "Oh, too bad, they don't want to tussle. It would have been fun to see what you're capable of."

This one was more inclined to follow orders, but it wasn't a tranq gun he had in his hand. It was an actual live pistol. "No, she's not any good if she's dead,” I suggested.

Belfour smiled. "Ah, so you do care about her."

"Nope, just making an observation."

"I told you, kid, alive. I want her alive."

The kid shook his head. "You saw what she just did to Nick."

"Yeah, so tranq her, you idiot. Don't shoot her. If she's damaged, we’ll get less money for her."

Damaged. For human trade or what? What were they planning to do with her?

I fought against the restraints. Mere seconds, and I could be free. But still, what if Tabatha got hurt in the process? What if I wasn't able to get to her fast enough? All I had to do was hang on and keep Tabatha from getting shot. Belfour smiled. "Actually, don't bother. Put your weapon on him. Obviously, don't shoot to kill him, just a little bit of maiming is okay though."

Tabatha just shrugged until the safety on one of the guns went off.

I willed her not to do it, but she stepped in front of me. "Before you start killing the cargo, which one of you idiots is going to get me my sister?"

And then she did the unexpected. She turned to me and pointed a gun directly at my temple, safety fucking off.

Belfour's eyes went wide. "Jesus fuck, who gave her a gun?"

The one who had been approaching took several steps back. "I think she took it off Nick."
