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Tabatha scoffed. "You’re all really dimwitted, aren't you? Yes, I took it off Nick. I also took his knife. She flicked it at the kid with the gun who had been approaching, taking him out. And as the other one tried to approach, Belfour yelled. She stepped behind me, gun to my temple. "Which one of you arseholes is going to get my sister?"

And just as the words were out of her mouth, explosions rocked the villa.


The moment the villa was rocked by the blast, I yanked the tiny ceramic knife from my belt and lunged toward Gabe. Our captors were momentarily stunned, and I saw my chance. Kneeling beside him, I worked swiftly to cut through his bindings.

Gabe reacted with lightning-fast speed, leaping to his feet and disarming one of our captors. With a deafening crack, he fired off a round at the other guard before he could escape into the shadows. Belfour had already disappeared with a fading splat-splat-splat sound of his loafers on concrete.

Gabe pulled me in for a quick moment, refusing to give me time to process what was happening. His kiss was hard, possessive, and demanding. "Go get your sister. I'm going after Belfour. We'll meet at the egress point."

I barely had a chance to respond before he released me. "You're okay?"

His response was quick and firm. "Never better. Turns out my girlfriend is a total badass and I benched her for no good reason. Now go finish this. I love you."

With that, he vanished in pursuit of Belfour, leaving me rooted to the spot in a daze as I processed everything he'd said.

I tucked my knife back into my belt and picked up one of the guns and the radio so I might figure out guard movement. I had five minutes before the rendezvous with my team.

Saff was going to be coming from the south, Legend and Devlin from the north, and King and Saint from the west. If everything went right, Saff and I would find Kira in no time. The radio at my hip beeped, and I slowed to check it. My heart pounded with each cautious step.

From our previous attempt at a rescue, I knew my sister had to be held in the central bedroom. Easy egress from all corners of the house, minimal windows, and easy to guard.

The radio buzzed more frequently now, and I heard faint voices. I held my breath and tried to blend into the shadows of the arched hallway. The walls were shadowed and the floor was paved in dark cement with gold inlay. The ceiling was high and vaulted with a skylight showing the starry sky. I knew the layout like the back of my hand. Even in the dark, I could easily negotiate the distance because I'd committed it to memory.

The voices drew nearer, and I cursed under my breath. I had to move fast. I had just a few precious minutes to get to my sister before the guards caught me.

My heart raced as two hooded figures emerged from the shadows. The taller one broad in stature, and the other small and wiry, both pointing their guns my way.

"Gentlemen, let's make this easy on each other. Let me go to my sister without us spilling blood," I suggested.

The larger one smirked, giving me a calculating onceover. "Chances are better that my friend Jason here gets to fuck you first. Then I'll leave you to die a slow death. I like my women with some spirit."

I fought back a gag as his words burned my veins. If I had to get through them to save my sister then I had no choice. "So I guess you're choosing an ass-whooping then. Just so we're clear," I warned in a cold voice.

In a split second, I leapt forward, gripping the arm of the larger assailant and slamming his head into the other man's face. I yanked at his gun arm with all my might, throwing the gun out of his grasp.

The arsehole snarled in rage, a dagger held firmly in his grip and glinting menacingly in the moonlight. I had no time to process the horror of my situation before he lunged forward with lightning speed, determined to end my life with a single strike of his blade. Reacting without hesitation, I clamped my hands around his wrist and wrenched it sharply backward, sending the dagger spinning across the floor. My heart thundered in my chest as I realized I’d escaped death by a hair's breadth.

Knowing I had no time for hesitation, I launched myself at the smaller of the two attackers with furious intensity. My fists were clenched in rage, and I landed a powerful punch to his stomach, which sent him reeling back with a pained grunt. The second attacker took advantage of the distraction and yanked out a gun, aiming it directly at me. Without flinching, I surged forward and wrested the gun from him, sending it skidding across the ground.

He stumbled back, but I was unrelenting. I thrust out a fist and managed to clip him on the chin, causing his head to jerk backward. Then I kicked him in the midsection with enough force to make him stagger back. Seizing the moment of surprise, I snatched up the dropped dagger and held it threateningly to his throat.

"Don't move," I said, my voice low but deadly. "One more step and I'll cut you."

"You always were so dramatic," came an amused voice from my left. I turned to see Saff at the other end of the hallway.

"What took you so long?"

"I was having a grand time watching you play with your friends."

Rolling my eyes, I dragged the guard to his feet as I stood. "Do you mind?"

"Anything for you," she said and raised her tranq gun, firing off several rounds to the idiot’s center mass. "I wanted to make sure he was out."

I shook my head. "You almost look like you enjoyed that."

She shrugged. "He put his hands on my best friend. He's lucky I didn't use live rounds." Turning, she put two more darts in his partner. "Let's go."
