Page 151 of The Spy

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"I'll do my best."

I shuffled in, and Funk gave me a nod while washing his hands. "Mate."

"I was meaning to ask you back at the bar…" I made it a point to slur my words. "I didn't see you checking out any of the women in there. I'm just wondering, are you waiting for someone, or… You know, is it me you were interested in? Because if it's me…" I gave him what I hoped was an alluring smile, not an I'm trying to sedate you and kidnap you kind of grin. Ugh, creepy.

Funk's brows went up. "What are you saying?"

"Hey, all I'm saying, mate, is if you’re down, I’m down, too. That's what you're supposed to do in Prague, right? Have fun. Experiment."

He eyed me up and down. Then he shook his head. "No, thanks."

"Yeah, I guess I was reading the signals wrong."

He chuckled low. "You have zero game. You're better off using an app, man."

"An app?"

"Yeah, it will be easier if you want to hook up. You're really bad at this."

In my earpiece, Tabatha guffawed. She guffawed, for the love of Christ. My bloody fiancée was laughing at my complete lack of game.

I tried again with a broader smile. "Sorry, I didn't quite work that out well. I am interested in you." I tried to inch my hand up to his collar. "I was hoping you were interested in me, and you know, we could get out of here because hookups in bathrooms are so cliché."

Funk narrowed his gaze. "You're serious?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, making a point to weave a little on my feet. "Yeah, why not? You're a good-looking bloke."

Something in his eyes changed then. There was more interest. "Well, I'm not available for anything other than a quickie, and I can't leave. I'm meeting someone."

I nodded, and then he moved toward me. I slipped my hand on the back of his neck as if pulling him in for a kiss. That was when I placed the patch. It was fast-acting and flesh-colored, so it was unnoticeable. Saff had made sure of that. It was fast-acting and easy. In no time, Funk leaned into me, his brows lifted in a quizzical expression, and then he slumped.

The door opened, and Saint chuckled. "Should I leave you two alone?"

"Yes, actually. And I'll lock the room. That would be best. With him chained to a chair, we can interrogate him. That really gets me hot."

Saint mock-gagged and rolled his eyes. "Just make sure to use a safe word."

"For a scum like him? No."

Saint helped me pick him up, but just as we reached the door, Saff's voice was in our ears. "Alert. Alert. We have Czech police on the premises. Again, we have Czech police on the premises."

"Shit. Shit. Shit. What are we going to do?"

Saint and I waited for orders. Saff's voice was clear. "Can you get out without being seen?"

"No. So which do you prefer, drunken buddies or drunken trash?"

I could hear the hesitation in her voice. She didn't know all the calls yet.

“Buddies is friendly and out the front. Trash is roughed up and out the back.”

"Hold,” she said. “Let me check the police position."

As we held him up in the bathroom, we were adamantly hoping no one else came in.

Saff’s voice came back. "Do buddies. The police are out back."

