Page 152 of The Spy

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Saint and I pulled him out, deliberately acting semi-drunk and jovial. We had to work hard to prop him up as we laughed and high-fived each other. Saint clapped onto his chest as if Funk had just said something hilarious.

And sure enough, at the back of the bar, I saw uniformed police. They were looking for someone. Bollocks.

I kept my eyes on the prize and pulled Funk out the front. More police.

Saint pulled the three of us to the side, loudly announcing, "I'm going to puke."

Several police officers jumped out of the way as the three of us moved toward the corner, deliberately keeping Funk's face down. Saint made a big production of dry-heaving. When I looked up at them as if to say, ‘Amateurs, right?’ their faces were screwed up and their lips curled in disgust as Saint dry-heaved. When nothing came up, he shrugged. "I guess I'll just puke in the car."

One of them muttered under his breath, "Fucking tourists," and then they let us pass. Whoever the fuck they were looking for, they didn't think we were them. As the van loomed, a bright light at the end of the block, Saint and I moved in a choreographed dance. When the side of the van opened and we shoved him in, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Tabatha gave me a smirk. "Your hookup game needs work."

"Hey, I make an excellent spy. I just don't have any hookup game. I haven't had practice, you see."

"We're going to have to work on that."

"Good luck with that,” Saint laughed. “Mate, even I could have done better."

"What? I did great."

Saff laughed as she checked his vitals. "He's okay. Let's go."

One of the junior agents, Legend, was the one driving, and he took off to the airport. I sat back and watched my sister. She did everything I would have done. And when she was done and Funk was secure, her gaze lifted to mine, and she gave me a nod. I smirked at her and shrugged as if to say, 'I didn't do anything.' But I knew what it meant to her. I followed her orders, her direction, and it hadn't killed me. And it was a huge relief off my shoulders. While I still needed my team home safe, especially my sister and Tabs, that crushing weight of responsibility was much, much less. And that shit felt right.

When we reached the airport terminal we’d borrowed from Czech Intelligence, Saff walked next to me as we prepped everything for the flight. "Thanks."

I shrugged. "Like I said, nothing to thank me for."

"I know, but it's nice to know that I have you by my side."

"You'll always have me by your side."

"Well, it's nice to know you'll accept my orders."

I lifted a brow at her. "You know, little sis, there are worse things to do. Besides, your instincts are right. They always have been."

“I hope so. I have a brief on Justin Wells on my desk when I get back I could probably use some help pouring through the data on him.”

The swell of pride that she was already a better leader than I was and not afraid to ask for help was not at all surprising. “You got it.”

"How are you feeling?” she asked. “Is it weird not being in charge?"

"Yes. But it also feels easier. And maybe I just needed some of that."

She nodded. "It was absolutely terrifying being in charge, but thank you for trusting me."

"If I'm going to be happy, I needed to let go a little."

She glanced back toward Tabatha, who was helping Devlin with some new equipment. "I love that you're making her my sister for real."

"You didn't need me for that. She’s been your sister since she showed up. And you don't have to thank me. I'm glad I finally got my head out of my ass."

"Yeah, praise God, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "See you on the flight." As I watched her walk off, I deeply felt a sense of pride. She really didn't need me anymore. And finally, I could be exactly who I was meant to be.


