Page 153 of The Spy

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I'd fucked up. Beyond fucked up. And now she was in my arms, bleeding, and I had nowhere to fucking go. I'd made deadly mistakes along the way, all in the name of queen and country. Or king and country now. It didn’t matter.

She was bleeding, and she was going to die. I had no safe houses, no money, no passports. All of it was gone, and I had nowhere else to go.

I drove up to the perimeter of the property, knowing full well I was being watched from the moment I passed the tree line. But I didn't give a fuck. I stepped right up to the gate. At the camera, I looked up and dragged off my mask. I put my arms out wide, the rain splattering on my face and blood dripping down in rivulets.

Blood? Was I bleeding? Had I been fucking shot too? Jesus.

It doesn't matter. Just get her inside. He'll know what to do. He has people for this. He can help. Nothing else matters as long as she lives. None of it.

The gate opened, and I jogged back to the driver's side door. Or at least I thought I jogged, but my feet were dragging so much that they disturbed the gravels on the ground. Fuck. I was going into shock, and I was not going to make it back.

It didn't matter. As long as I got her out. As long as she lived.

My heart squeezed. I had been so wrong about her, about everything. As I careened the car up the winding drive, I could feel the edges of my vision going. Fading. I was so close, so goddamn close. I had to make it. As long as she got help, that was all I cared about.

My life didn't deserve saving. The things I'd done, the people I'd hurt, all in the name of what was best for the global good. Well, it was bullshit. The lies that we tell ourselves. The lies we were told to tell others, all of it was such fucking bullshit. And now she was paying the price. The cost of my hubris.

I thought I could have it all. I thought that I could straddle that line, but I couldn't. I drove up the drive to the glass house at the top of the hill, slammed the car in Park and raced to the passenger side door. When I yanked it open, she almost fell out, her head lolling onto my shoulder. "I've got you. You're okay."

She mumbled, "I love you."

"Shh. I don't deserve it. Come on, let's get you help."

As I was running up the stairs with Daphne in my arms, Gabe Webb stepped out onto the veranda of Abott manor. "What the fuck?"

"I need your help. Save her. Please… I need you to save her."

To be continued in The Villain…
