Page 36 of The Spy

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Tabatha walked over reluctantly and placed a hand on my shoulder. The heat from her hand seared me to my core.

"Commander, if you'll just help her step into that?"

I frowned, watching as Tabatha's bare foot aimed its way toward me and then hooked right into the center of the garter.

Oh, fuck me. I swallowed hard and then turned my head, trying not to take into account how smooth her legs were or how toned. As I slid the garter over her smooth calf and knee, then up her thigh, I held my breath. I could feel the tension in her legs, the firmness of them. And I couldn't help it, my thumb moved, stroking softly over her skin for just a second. It was just one second, but her sharp intake of breath had my head snapping up to meet her gaze.

What the hell was that I saw there?

We both stared for a long moment, and then Genevieve snapped her fingers in front of my face and said, "Mr. Webb?"

"Yes?" I turned my attention to her. "What?"

She handed over a gun. "Please, can you place this inside the garment?"

Tabatha took the gun from my hands. "No, I can do it."

Genevieve shook her head. "No, it's better if he does it. It'll get the placement right, and then you can see if you can reach it."

Tabatha cleared her throat. "Oh, for the love of God, this is ridiculous."

I couldn't agree more.

This was ridiculous.


My hands were bloody shaking, but I placed the gun in the holster where she'd need to grab it. Tabatha was right-handed, so it would have to go on her inner thigh. Fucking hell. I couldn't swallow around the sawdust that had turned my mouth into the fucking Sahara. Genevieve then handed me the knives.

"Be careful with these. The gun wasn’t loaded, but these are very, very sharp."

"Do we need to put the knives against her skin?"

"You see those tiny flaps in the belt? They come down, and they’re made of a special mesh that will protect her skin."

I nodded absently. "Wow, the design on this is um… well, excellent."

Genevieve grinned. "Thank you."

"Oh, you created this yourself?"

"Yes, sir. I was trying to make the garments more useful."

The scent of Tabatha's rose perfume wafted around me, and my head spun. I wanted to lift her dress higher and press my skin against her soft inner thigh.

Instead, I took the knives and sheathed them gently.

The design was so intricate, and even if she had to give up the gun, she wouldn't have to give up her knives. And Tabatha was very good with knives.

During my first encounter with her, I’d watched her take a mugger's knife off him and do seriously handy-dandy tricks with it in her palm before she threatened to release him from the two nuts that hung from his body. After a background check, I was knocking on her door to join my team.

I released her thigh and stepped back. Tabatha took several steps away from me.

"Right." She cleared her throat again, and her gaze wouldn't quite meet mine.

Fuck me, this was too close. Too much.

My gaze traveled up her body, lingering on the hollow of her throat. I wanted to lick her there and drag my lips up and over her pulse, feeling the rapid beat of it. I wanted to latch on there until she'd beg me to fuck her.
