Page 76 of The Spy

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"I will buy you that dress."

"It's not on my dime, remember? Rogues is footing the bill."

He smiled. "You would look beautiful in it."


"Yeah, Tabs?"

"You didn't have to come in here and tell me."

His brow dipped down. "I wanted to see for myself that you're okay. I don't like seeing him touch you."

The sharp little intake of breath surprised me. "Oh."

"Every time he puts his fucking hands on you, I consider putting a bullet in his head. The fact that I can't because we don't have the intel we need is really pissing me the fuck off."

He took another step toward me, closing the gap between us. His aura and his presence enveloped me, making me forget where I was, what I was doing, and who I was with.

"And I needed to see you because all I can think about is earlier. Your skin feels like fucking satin. And ever since, I've been trying to figure out if you feel like satin underneath those pretty knickers of yours too."

I dragged in a shuddering breath. "Gabe?"

"Don't fucking look at me like that, Tabatha. I'm holding onto a thread of my control, and it's all I've got."

"I don't understand."

"Fuck this.

And then he slammed his lips on top of mine.



With a growling moan, Gabe pushed me against the wall, his hand gently encircling my neck. His tongue swept past my lips into my mouth, owning me. Sending electric chills through my body. The burning heat followed by a stinging, sharp pang of need that threatened to buckle my knees.

His hands slid down the curves of my waist and hips, flexing on my flesh. The fingers of one hand massaged my spine as he brought his other hand up to cup my breast. I gasped into his mouth as I threaded my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer.

I could feel the smirk he gave me against my lips as he lightly thumbed my nipples teasingly, and I pebbled under his touch. When he didn't increase the pressure, I moaned out loud.

He dragged his lips from mine, his cocky smirk in place. "Is this what you want, butterfly?"

Dark moss-green eyes trained on mine, he increased the pressure then licked his lips. When I tossed my head back, closing my eyes and trying to run from the intimacy, he shoved a hand into my hair, fisting the strands roughly enough to get my attention. "No you don't. You don't get to run from me. From this. From us."

I dragged my lids open and met his gaze, fire burning through my veins when he gently pinched my nipple.

"That's my good girl."

A savage moan ripped from Gabe's throat. His voice was steel, full of longing and reckless frenzy. Every beat of my heart felt like a warning siren, screaming at me to resist and break away. "Oh God, what are we doing?" I murmured, desperation tinging my words.

I needed this, something only Gabe could provide. If I stopped to think about the ramifications of what we were doing, I'd run. I'd stop. I'd beg him to never touch me again.

But thankfully, my pussy was in control of the situation now, not my brain.

Gabe bent his knees, shifted the gossamer fabric aside, and took the pebbled tip of my nipple into his mouth and sucked softly. His tongue laved my hardened nipple before finally taking it between his teeth and giving a gentle tug. His eyes never left mine, an electric charge passing between us. "Tell me you want this," he whispered against my skin.

"I want you," I gasped.
