Page 85 of The Spy

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I smiled softly. "Home. My home."

The confusion was evident on her face. "I didn't know you lived anywhere else."

I took her hand, the warmth of her skin sending shivers down my spine. "I can put you in the guest room or you can stay with me. Hell, I'm not even sure why I brought you here, but I wanted you to have some peace."

Her eyes locked with mine, and she stepped closer, her body brushing against mine. "I want to stay with you," she whispered, her words sending my heart racing.

Unable to resist any longer, I closed the distance between us, my lips finding hers in a searing, passionate kiss. In that moment, the weight of the world disappeared, leaving only Tabatha and me, our hearts bound together by an undeniable connection that refused to be ignored.


When we got inside, Tabatha's eyes widened with a mix of shock, desire, and fear as I stepped closer. Before she could react, I growled and fisted her hair, tugging her gently toward me so that I could press my lips hard against hers.

The electric connection between us sent flashes of pleasure through my veins as our mouths moved together, franticly exploring the depths of each other. I was overwhelmed with a desperate craving to consume all of her.

My free hand moved to the back of her neck, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss as our tongues moved hungrily together. I let out a moan of pleasure and pressed up against her soft curves. The hunger for more only increased as my body vibrated with need and a pleasant tingle ran up my spine. My cock twitched and begged to be released, but I ignored its pleas for now.

Tabatha made a desperate little whimper as she clung to me.

Fuck, yes.

My erection throbbed against her, and I growled savagely in the depths of my throat, my hand fisting her hair tighter, yanking her closer.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I registered the tightening of my balls.

What the fuck? I wanted to come? Already?

She was so soft and tasted like velvety ice cream on a sizzling summer day, going down smooth and refreshing, making me want more.

Begrudgingly, I pulled away from her lips, but she held on tightly to me, fingers wound into the hair at the nape of my neck. I looked into her eyes and asked the question that had floated to the surface of my mind. If she said yes, then I'd let go of her even if it killed me. "Do… do you want me to stop?"

Our mouths were inches apart, and when our eyes met, it felt like all the air had left the room. She took a few seconds that seemed like eternity before shaking her head slowly in response. There was no doubt in her eyes as she sealed our fate and leaned forward to whisper her answer against my lips.


"Thank fuck."

I dipped my head again and nibbled at her lips until she parted them on a sigh and her tongue slid over mine easily. Her body molded even more tightly to me as she stood on tiptoes in an effort to bring us closer.


I needed to find some goddamned control.

I knew all of the reasons I shouldn't want Tabatha. I knew all of the reasons I should stay away from her, all of the reasons why she was trouble.

But I couldn't stop.

Her mewls ratcheted up the electricity coursing through my veins. All I wanted to do was take more, hold her there as I ravaged her. As it was, I was probably fisting her hair too tight, but somehow, I couldn't make myself let go, couldn't make myself stop. I was drowning in the sea of her scent wrapping around me.

I picked her up easily, moving to the couch, and sat with her straddling me.

When I slid my lips to her jawline, each open-mouthed kiss felt like lava. My tongue sharing its warmth with her skin as it meandered from her ear, down to her chin and then to her neck.

Tabatha gasped. "Gabe, Jesus!"

I then sunk my teeth into her, desperately marking her as mine with a love bite that would linger even on her bronze skin. I kissed and sucked along her neck and collarbone, leaving more bites and kisses that were undeniable proof that she was mine. My hands trailed lower but were stopped by her shirt, which I ripped in two.

"Fuck, Gabe."
