Page 98 of The Spy

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"What happens to her when you decide that relationships just don't work for you?"

I frowned, irritated she would think that. "Why would I ever say that to her?"

"Because, look at your track record. Your longest relationship was what, six months? And Tabatha deserves everything. You can't even be with her in the open, you arsehole."

"You don't think I fucking know that?"

"Then what the hell are you doing?"

"This job is fucking hard enough. It's already taken enough. We're both adults. We can do what we like."

My sister stared at me. "You forgot to take into account you are her Operations Commander. That's a tricky spot."

"You don't think I've thought that through a million times? And a million times I've come up with the same answer. I'm not coercing her. If she wants out, she's out clean and clear. I would never hurt her. I care about her, Saff."

Saff blinked at me. "You think as your sister I don't actually secretly love this? The two of you together, my two favorite people, even though sometimes you're a raging twat."

"Wow, thanks for that."

"The number of times I have wished for this is crazy. The problem is, I know the number of times that she has wished for this. And you could hurt her. Not just hurt her, but you could break her."

He frowned. "She's stronger than you think."

"I know that. Tabatha is one of the strongest people I know. And I love her. She thinks she can fix everything. She will walk into danger if she thinks it will save you. She'll risk everything for you. I want to make sure that you would do the same for her because right now, I know it seems like a grand idea. It seems awesome, you and her. In fact, where are the two of you even shagging? When have you had time? She's been on assignment." She suddenly sat up, eyeing my chair dubiously.

"We haven't shagged on the chair," I said truthfully.

We hadn't. I wasn't going to tell her exactly where we'd shagged.

"As important as she is to you, Saff, she's important to me too."

My sister narrowed her gaze. "Are you two a thing? Like a real thing?"

I frowned, not sure how to answer her. "I care about her. Beyond that, I'm not really sure of much else."

Her eyes went wide. "Oh my God, you… you really care about her."

I could feel the heat creeping up my neck. "Yes, and?"

Her hand covered her mouth. "Oh geez, Gabe, this is simultaneously awesome and terrifying. When I smelled you on her earlier, I just assumed that you two were shagging and that you didn't want anything from her, but you like her. In a real way. Oh my God, we’re really screwed."

"Ah, my sister the optimist."

"You know exactly what I mean. Gennifer Goode, she's had a hard-on for Tabatha. Do you think she knows?"

I shook my head. "No, there's no way she knows."

"Then we have a real problem because even if she doesn't know, she senses it. You two had better not give her confirmation."

"We won't. We're being discreet."

She laughed. "Yeah, that's what Lachlan and I thought to. You walk around in a house full of spies, big brother. Watch yourself because you don't know who's working for her and wants a leg up into Oversight. Anyone who wants a break and is willing to walk over anyone else to get what they want could rat you out to her."

"Yeah, I hear you."

"Also, maybe don't shag her in your fucking office."

My eyes went wide. "How did you know?"
