Page 99 of The Spy

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"Rook. He told Lock and I a few days ago that he'd walked in on you two having an uncomfortable moment."

I groaned low. "We hadn't even shagged then."

My sister smirked. "Oh, so this is a recent development."

"You and I are not having this conversation."

"Why not? I'm your sister. She is my bestie. You know I am just going to confront her and have her tell me, right?"

"You can have her tell you anything she wants to tell you. I, on the other hand, am not telling you shit."

"You already did when you walked in here. You pointblank told me that you have shagged her in your office. Ah, hell, it was this afternoon?"

I forced myself to keep my expression stoic. I gave away nothing.

She shook her head. "I knew she smelled different."

"You went around sniffing her?"

"No. I hugged her because I thought she was feeling weird about the whole, 'hey my sister is missing thing,’ and not telling us. And she smelled off. She smelled a little bit like sandalwood. I'm guessing that's you?"

I couldn't help the shit-eating grin on my face. "Yeah, probably. That was me."

Saff smirked. "I'm happy for you. I really fucking am. But Jesus Christ, you're fucking with her career. Be careful. If you ruin things for her, I will end you myself."

I nodded. "The last thing I want to do is impact her in any way. I don't know what any of this means, I just know it's complicated."

"You think, Gabe? You need to be careful. Do you understand me? You have enemies you can't even see."

She wasn't wrong about that. I had to find a way to neutralize Gennifer Goode permanently.



The knock at the door confused me. If it was Gabe, he would have just come in from the other door. Who was it?

I wasn't due to see Jennings tonight. When I glanced at the security camera, I sighed. What the hell was she doing here?

I opened the door and gave Gennifer Goode a smile. "Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you."

I darted my gaze around, making sure she hadn't come with anyone. And she hadn't. But still, why was she here?

"Can I come in?"

Through gritted teeth, I said, "Do I have a choice?"

Her eyes went wide. "What is this? I come in peace."

I stepped aside. "No, you don't. But let's pretend, shall we?"

"Look, I know it probably seems as if I have just turned up, but I'm just checking in on you, honestly. You're an important asset, and the decision to put you in the field undercover was mine. I just want to make sure you're doing okay."

And that was the thing… before I knew she was playing us I might have believed her.

Hell, I had believed her when she'd acted like she was putting me undercover because she had confidence in me as an agent.

But that was all bullshit.
