Page 45 of Broken Promise

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She slid me some serious side-eye. She was clearly teasing, but there was some tension to her posture. Something was off. She’d been fine before I left for the gym. Was she really fine? Had that asshole contacted her?

I’d been tracking her. She’d gone out to a couple of shops but had stayed in the neighborhood or at the apartment. She hadn’t been far. Maybe she was scared like Noah had suggested.

My anger bubbled just under the surface. What had that piece of shit done to her that she was too scared to venture out? When I got my hands on that asshole, I was going to kill him.

Careful. You don’t do that anymore, remember?Well for some cases, Libra could be resurrected.

When she shifted into a position on the floor, facing me with her legs up and open in aV, I groaned. “Seriously, are you trying to kill me?”

Her lips tipped up in a smirk. “Do you feel like you’re dying? How do I intensify that feeling? Do you think I could kill you with sex?”

Cock… steel. Her voice dripped with pure sex and… a hint of danger. Like she might be a little serious. And shit, that just turned me on more. There was something so seriously wrong with me that I got off on the fact that she might try to kill me.

Sleep with the devil and you become a demon yourself.

I stalked over to her and bent to kiss her. There was a challenge in her eyes, but as soon as my lips touched hers, she went pliant and soft.

“I’d die happy,” I mumbled against her lips.

I could feel it then, the tension easing out of her body. She gave me a soft moan and I eased her back, covering her body with mine. God, she was so sexy.

She was hesitant at first, but then she looped her arms around my neck and splayed her thighs to make room for me. I slid a hand into her hair and gave her a gentle tug to angle her the way I wanted.

I could feel it the moment desire tripped over her skin. She arched into me and moaned as I rocked my hips into her. “Fuck, that’s it. Give it to me. Stop fighting me.” Suddenly she’d gone from cool to desperate as she met the shallow rocks of my hips. Her hands threaded through my hair and she held my head to her as if she’d given herself permission to want me.

Diana met each lick of my tongue with one of her own. She followed my lead but gave as good as she got. She wanted this. She tasted like honey and vanilla. She tasted like home.

Soon we were going to talk about next steps. Because I’d be damned if I was going to keep wondering if she’d be there when I came home. I’d gotten so used to having her around, letting go was going to be a bitch.And maybe I don’t have to.I was going to fight to make that a reality. I just had to get her used to the idea.

Diana moaned, her hands roaming over my shoulders. My blood simmered just under my skin.Hell yes. This was what I needed.Find out the truth before it’s too late.I shoved away that thought. For once I wasn’t going to overthink everything.

She slid her hand between us and palmed my dick. It felt so good, I saw stars. “Fuck, Diana—”

Naked, I have to get her naked. Right the fuck now.

My thumb rolled over her nipple and gently plucked the tight bud.

“Oh God, Rafe. Right there, please.”

There was a distant ding that barely registered in my consciousness. Diana was in my blood, under my skin. Clawing her way into my soul. There was another ding and then a sharp rapping at his door.

Fuck. Who the hell was at my door?

The part of me that had been trained to kill, trained to survive, twitched, wanting to reach for my gun, my knives, and a rocket launcher.

But shit, Diana was pumping my dick, and I, Rafe DeMarco, the man, was so fucking desperate to slide home deep. Funny thing about desire—it made you stupid.

Every man on the planet would almost always choose to fuck over his own survival.

I was almost glad ORUS had trained that out of me when the series of dings on the phone alerted me.

I dragged my lips off hers and cursed under my breath. “Fuck. I need to get that.”

“What?” Her voice was soft, breathy, and desperate. “You’re going to leave me like this?”

Dick: The hell I am.

Assassin Brain: Two bullets through the door while you’re fucking her takes care of both problems.
