Page 7 of Broken Promise

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“I appreciate it. But look, right now I’m hidden. No one can see me. No one knows I’m observing them. I’ve been tracking his movements. His employer of record is Blake Security. I know he has a sister. She’s married to the boss. If I can get a little leverage, then I can guarantee he won’t hurt me.”

I snapped another picture of the guy I didn’t know and then zoomed in on the image. He had dots, a series of them on the back of his neck. Just like Rafe did.

What the hell?

I photographed Rafe as usual. I photographed Lucia, but no such dots. But Noah Blake had them, too.

What in the ever-loving hell?

“Hello, earth to Diana.”

“Sorry, I just—”

“Diana, you said you were following Rafe. Where exactly are you?”

I sank down in the seat of the car as if Charisse could see me. “Well, about that—”

“Where are you?” My bestie was not to be fooled.

“I’m across the street from Blake Security.”

“Oh my God, are you insane?”

“Relax. It’s fine. They can’t see me.”

“They could have cameras.”

“Maybe. But (a) I’m wearing a wig, (b) I’m a tourist taking photos, (c) I keep changing out my rental cars so they don’t notice. I’m fine. I got this handled. But I’ve gotta go.”

“Okay. I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”

So did I. Because if I didn’t, I might end up dead.

Just like my father.

DeMarco had taken away the last person who loved me, and for what? Money? I ached at the thought that my father had suffered because he was trying to protect my legacy. The Jewel of the Sea had been the only thing left of my mother, and it had been willed to me. No doubt my father had received many offers to buy it after my mother’s death, but he’d always told me that he would protect it for me until I grew up.

He’d never had the chance to keep that promise.

Out on the street, Lucia tripped and Rafe sprang forward to catch her. She smiled up at him gratefully. He kissed her forehead before leaning down to kiss the baby strapped in the carrier on Lucia’s chest. The baby waved a fist and then giggled. I couldn’t hear it, but I could imagine the sound. And despite myself, a smile tugged at my lips. Lucia DeMarco looked happy, being doted on by her handsome husband and adoring brother.

Did she know her brother was a killer?

I adjusted slightly, moving my leg to stop it from cramping. DeMarco was still talking to Lucia, holding her arm like he was making sure she was steady. There was a clear difference in his body language when talking to his little sister versus the other guys.

Which only proved that my hunch was correct.

For the past year, I’d laid the groundwork to take DeMarco down, even establishing a fake lease and utilities under an alias. All it had taken was paying the right people at the right times. But none of it meant anything if I couldn’t get close to him.

But it appeared that big, bad DeMarco had a weakness.

“So you have a knight-in-shining-armor complex, huh? I can use that.”

Just then DeMarco paused and glanced over his shoulder. It shouldn’t have caused any reaction after all this time, but I thought again how wrong it was that he would be handsome. But wasn’t that always the way of things?

As he looked straight at me the tingle in my belly intensified. What the hell was wrong with me?

Danger, bitch. Danger.
