Page 14 of The Man of the Hour

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And unfortunately, this man was definitely Brendan. She noticed how people moved, and his walk was as smooth as ever. But his jaw was set like he was facing an impossible quest.

He made for the ramp that led backstage.

Sonia opened her mouth to hiss, “You can’t come back here,” but nothing came out.

Quickly, she stepped away from the wings. She’d been acting like a little kid, peeking out at the audience to wave hi to a mom and dad who weren’t there. It was time to join the rest of the troupe and be a fucking adult. Yet her feet didn’t budge.

Steps sounded on the ramp, then the wooden stage floor, growing closer. When Brendan appeared in front of her, Sonia crossed her arms and stared up at him.

He loomed over her, more gorgeous than he had any right to be. His left hand was curled into a ball.

“Sonia, it’s so good to see you after all this time,” he said heartily, holding out his right hand for a firm handshake like the politician-in-training that he was. “I’m here on Diana and Ian’s behalf. I’m sure you’ll be amazing tonight.”

Sonia ignored his outstretched hand, gazing up at him in stony silence. Brendan blinked, his smile fading, but he didn’t look surprised. Dropping his right hand, he offered his left, still curled in a fist.

“I have a note for you.” His voice was lower now, pitched to a whisper, and it raised goosebumps on her skin. “It’s from Diana. She asked me to give it to you before the show.”

Reluctantly, Sonia held out her hand. Opening his fist to reveal a folded scrap of paper, Brendan put the note in her palm and closed her fingers around it. The brush of his warm skin made her heart race.

How dare he touch her? He’d never tried, not since the first time they met in the freshman dorm room she’d shared with Diana, when he’d put his hand on her arm with a big bullshitting smile. All ready to pour on the charm like maple syrup.

Brendan was watching her, his long-lashed eyes narrowed. “She wanted you to have it on paper,” he went on. “So she told me what to say, and I wrote it down.”

Sonia gave a quick nod. Now would be the time for Brendan to go away and let her read the note alone. But he was just standing there, two feet away, not leaving.

Slowly, she unfolded the white paper. Reading Diana’s words in Brendan’s neat handwriting did a number on her head.

Sonia, you know how much I love you. I’m with you tonight, every second. You’re one of the best people I know and you’re going to absolutely crush it onstage. This is just the beginning. You’re going to do great things and I’m so proud to know you.

Ian also sends his love.

Sonia swallowed. She and Diana didn’t usually get mushy with each other. Well, Sonia definitely didn’t, and Di tended to go light on words of praise. But this note, right now…

To her amazement and annoyance, her eyes stung. She was wearing a full face of stage makeup, and Brendan fucking O’Brian was standing in front of her. Pressing her lips together, she dashed at a tear that threatened to spill down her cheek.

“Sonia?” Brendan peered at her like he’d never met her before, like Sonia had been replaced by her own twin with a completely different personality. “Are you…okay?”

She didn’t trust herself to say anything, so she looked back at him defiantly. Reaching out — slowly, cautiously — Brendan grazed his thumb across the wet trail of her tear. It made her shiver. And she knew he saw it, because his hazel eyes darkened in the dim light.

Silently, Sonia folded the note. Brendan licked his lips. He was clearly uncomfortable with her not speaking.

“Di and Ian really wanted to come,” he said softly. “But they couldn’t get away. So I’m here in their place. It’s probably not what you wanted.”

“You don’t have to make excuses.” That was her voice coming out, low and raspy. “I see right through you.”

Brendan’s jaw clenched, and a vein ticked in his forehead. Apparently, the boy did have a few emotional settings besides “slimy” and “persuasive.”

“Whatdoyou see?” he asked urgently.

Fuck it. He was here, the people she wanted weren’t, this might be the last show her company ever put on, and she felt emotional and scared and shaken up. All she wanted was distraction, release, and a warm body to touch.

Suddenly, she was moving swiftly toward him, closing the gap, tucking the folded note inside her dance top and putting both hands on his solid chest.

Brendan’s eyes widened in shock. He felt good, so damn good, hard and male andhere.When he leaned in, it told her everything she needed to know.

It doesn’t matter,Sonia told herself as she stretched up on tiptoe and pulled his head down to hers.It doesn’t matter who he is.

She kissed him. Open-mouthed, fierce, insistent.
