Page 15 of The Man of the Hour

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“What the fuck?” Brendan gasped. His hands slid up her back, his palms big and warm. “Sonia, Jesus.”

She didn’t bother to answer, just kept kissing him.

Fingers cupped the nape of her neck and thrust into her hair. She didn’t care if this was the worst idea ever, not right now. Brendan’s lips were soft, his mouth eager, his tongue plunging as he deepened the kiss.

When he tried to take control, tipping her head back and pulling her close against his solid chest, Sonia gripped his hair — those shiny brown waves that were never a mess — and tugged until he grunted, fighting his tongue with hers. She bit his lower lip, sinking her teeth into the soft flesh. Brendan let out a curse, kissing her harder when her hands roamed over his chest.

She knew Brendan had a beautiful body, because she’d had the misfortune of walking in on him in the bathroom of the apartment she’d shared with Diana one year. He’d been showering, the water streaming down his sculpted back and shoulders, and he’d turned to stare at her before she stalked out. She’d glimpsed his erect cock, his hand wrapped around it, and wondered who he’d been thinking about. Afterward, in her room with her hand down her panties, she hoped it had been her.

“Were you thinking about me?” she whispered.

“What? When?” Brendan had the guilty look of a five-year-old with his hand caught in the cookie jar, and it was so adorable that Sonia almost softened toward him. Almost.

“Any time. In the shower…on the Metro…in your room…”

His breath quickened as she teased his nipples through his shirt. “Yeah, I was thinking about you.”

“Which time?”

“All the time.”

He pulled her close, his hazel eyes dazed, until her breasts brushed his chest. Sonia let out a growl of desire, and Brendan cast a swift glance at the black-painted wall that divided them from the dancers backstage, then at the wings that led to the stage.

Leave it to Brendan to think about someone catching them. But he was right, Sonia realized. Grabbing his hands, she pulled him into a small storage room, closed the door, and pounced on him.

“We have to be quick,” she whispered, biting his neck.

Brendan’s handsome face still had a stunned expression, like he expected to wake up from a dream. But he wasted no time sliding his hands inside her leotard. His sure touch against her collarbones and chest made her arch toward him like a cat. He brushed the sides of her breasts, whispering compliments that made her squirm. Finally, he peeled down the top of her white leotard to expose the soft curves.

“Gorgeous,” he whispered, his thumbs rubbing her pouting brown nipples.

Sonia wanted more, so much more. She wanted Brendan to touch her breasts for hours. Her nipples stiffened into tiny crowns as he rolled them between his fingers, sending heat racing down to concentrate between her legs. The boy might look shocked that she wanted him, but the things he was doing to her…he knew his way around.

Every inch of skin woke up as he touched it. Her sadness evaporated into need, curling into her arms and legs. Brendan bent his head to suck on her nipple, and fuck, her whole body cried out for the sweet warmth of his mouth. But she pushed him back.

“Stand still,” she ordered.

He gaped as she rapidly kissed her way down his muscled chest, dropping to her knees. That was an accomplishment, to catch Brendan O’Brian by surprise. Sonia was sure he’d been sucked off by countless girls, and it gave her a sharp, urgent thrill to see his mouth hanging open when she brushed her fingers over the prominent bulge in his slacks. Kissing his brass belt buckle, she began undoing it.

“Do you want me to stop?” she murmured huskily.

“No.” Those hazel eyes were pleading. It was delicious. Need contorted his face, cracking the pleasant mask.

She wanted a cock in her mouth. It didn’t matter whose, she told herself, stroking his heavy erection through his boxers and slipping her hand inside to free Brendan’s cock. He could be anyone.

But damn, his cock was exceptionally beautiful. If only there were more time…

Grasping the thick, veined shaft, Sonia nuzzled the tip, then captured his flared head between her lips.

“Goddamn,” Brendan groaned. “Sonia.”

Yes,she wanted to moan.Say my name. Say it again.

Quickly, she swirled her tongue all over his cock, taking the hard flesh deep into her mouth, then pulling back. Like a mind reader, Brendan kept whispering her name, sinking his hands into her hair, caressing her cheeks and throat.

The goal was speed. She had to get Brendan off as quickly as possible. Her hand squeezed his shaft, finding the rhythm that made him gasp. Her other hand cupped his ripe balls, rolling the soft, wrinkled skin. Her tongue lashed at his satiny head, sucking eagerly.

“Sonia — you’re gonna —fuck!”Brendan gritted.
