Page 145 of Savage Wild

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My eyes went wide, “That’s not what I’m doing.”

Talon stood toe to toe and eased his hand up my chest and around my throat. He was massive, tattooed, dark, and dangerous, but when he leaned into me, all I felt was the thrill of awareness that he was all man. And he was mine.

“Yes, hell, you are, and I’m not letting you. You want this?” he asked.

“Yes,” I sniffed. Then I asked the hardest question I’d ever had to get out. “Do you?”

“I want everything you’ve got, princess.” Then his hand slid down, over my chest, down to my belly where our baby rested. “Never thought I’d have the chance. Fuck, yeah, I want it.”

He skimmed his lips across my cheek and fell to his knees in front of me. He crouched low, eyes to my stomach. “My baby’s in there?”

“Yeah,” I said, stroking my fingers through his hair that always stayed just a little too long.

Hands on my hips, he leaned in and kissed just over the spot where his son was resting. “Hey, baby,” he said.

And I cried tears of joy


Late November


“Hurry up, mamalicious! Come on, T bird!” Cassie yelled up the stairs.

She stood in the entryway of the brownstone, all scarfed and Ugg’d against the cool fall weather, waiting on her preggo mom and her biker so they could leave for the club party.

It wasn’t a party for any other reason than to have a party, but Cass knew something her mom didn’t. And she could barely contain her excitement. It had been all she could do to keep the secret from Lucky, and she hadn’t even tried to keep it from Layla and Gabby.

Talon knew, and he was cool about it, so the party had grown by a couple of guests. Considering that it was a free for all around a couple of grills and a few kegs, it was no big.

Jenna hit the stairs, jeans, long sleeve tee, and boots, and Talon wore his version of the same, just with more black and more leather.

Since he’d found out his princess was carrying his baby, he’d outlawed bike rides and brought home a big ass Ford truck that he declared safe enough for his woman and his kid to travel.

But Jenna still drove her R-8 to work and to the gym. He bitched about it, but since he got hard every single time he saw his wet dream of a woman climb out of that wet dream of a car, the bitching was only halfhearted.

“Jeez, Cruella, what’s with the rush?” Jenna asked, hitting the landing.

Talon tagged a jacket and scarf and handed them over.

She glared but put them on. She’d learned the hard way that there was no point arguing.

“No rush, just know how you love birds are,” Cassie joked. “Get it, T bird?” she asked, wagging her brows his way.

He growled, but only a little because he was trying to cover up his laugh. She had more bird jokes than he’d known existed. “Yeah, sprout, I get it.”

Cassie glared, “I’m not a sprout.”

“Not as tall as me, kid. Makes you a sprout.”

“No one’s as tall as you.”

“And you need to remember that,” Talon said, opening the front door for his girls and herding them toward the truck. Sometimes it felt more like herding cats, but Talon figured if he was the badass lion who got to protect these gorgeous creatures and the one he and Jenna had on the way, his would be a life well spent.

So he drove his girls to the compound in a swank truck that wasn’t half bad, especially considering the cargo it was carrying.

As soon as Talon slid the truck into park, Cassie bounded out and made for the table where Lucky and Stella hung with a few other people their age.
