Page 88 of Savage Wild

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Jenna’s eyes went wide and she gasped, “Oh, no….”

“And Ryde hit a power player’s son,” Gate continued.

“Head wound,” Jenna guessed. “That’s why they took Edward.”

“He might be their best shot at keeping the boy alive,” Gate said. “We’ll put somebody on your girl. Where is she?”

“The university,” Jenna said. “She lives on campus.”

“I know where she is. I’ll go,” Lucky offered.

“Somebody who’s not tempted by young and pretty. Lucky, you’re out. Brick, you’re up.”

Brick hooked Lucky around the neck, “Come on, kid. Directions.”

Gate turned to Ryder, “You’ve got point on finding the ex. Take Nine with you. Hit up Rooster and Stash before you leave to see if they’ve found anything.”

Ryder pushed away from the bar and brushed a kiss across Jenna’s cheek before he joined Nine and they crossed to the hallway that led to the living quarters.

Jenna clutched her glass tighter, looking lost. “What do I do?”

“Where would you normally be now?” Gate said, looking at his phone to check the time.

Jenna glanced over, “Getting ready for CrossFit class.”

“Then go to class,” Gate said, gentling his voice. “Nothing you can do for Edward. We got Cassie covered. Spider may not even know about you or your daughter. So, don’t call attention to yourself. Keep to your regular schedule, and we’ll find him.”

Jenna nodded, her lip trembling. “Thank you, Gate,” she said before she walked alone toward the front doors.

Jenna’s voice caught on a sob as she walked away, and Talon’s heart hurt for his girl. She was aching, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Yet.

“Need somebody on her in case Spider knows who she is. He’s not above providing a little extra motivation for the doctor,” Gate said.

“I got it,” Talon said.

Gate looked him in the eye, “You good for this?”

Talon returned the look, “I’m the best for this.”

And Gate watched as his brother finally followed beauty out into the night.



Talon waited outside Jenna’s CrossFit box, his bike parked beside her car, knowing that if he’d gone inside and watched her work out, he would have made a fool of himself. All those curves in all those tight clothes would have driven him crazy, and he would have either growled at every other man in the place or dragged her off to try to get inside all that again.

So he cooled his heels, leaning against his bike, watching the front doors like a hawk.

When he’d waited about an hour, she hit the door and dragged a hand through her hair, making it messier than it already was, and watching that, Talon finally admitted to himself that she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen.

His head swam with memories of her kiss. Her taste. How tight she felt wrapped around his cock. That image hit him like a drug, and while he adjusted himself in his jeans, he wanted to kick his own ass for being so damned stupid.

She crossed the lot, doing everything she could to ignore his hulking presence.

So Talon kept his seat, not wanting to spook her any more than she already was.

She slung her bright pink Under Armour bag into the trunk and slammed it. “What are you doing here?” she asked, crossing her arms.
