Page 37 of Talk For Me

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“Yeah, well, I bet you were good at your job.”

Too damn good.

God, he loved her eyes. The shades of gray altered fractionally depending on her mood—lightening, darkening, changing depth and tone. The ultimate mood rings, spotlighted in plain view. Right now, she was disturbed by his insight, and aroused by the bulge of his cock rubbing against her exposed pussy. “I could be modest and say I was adequate, but that wouldn't make you swoon.” He bent his head and kissed the hollow of her throat. “I was one of the best. Top of my field.”

“Elite, huh?” She laughed, lifting her hand to his cheek. “I can see you being elite, Thane. God knows you've got me summed up. There's no easy way to admit it, but you're right. It's not a hard limit, because I understand it's a problem. But I'm not ready to tackle it yet.”

“Okay. I'm liking this arrangement already.” Pleasing himself, Thane nuzzled at her throat, trailing his lips up and over her jaw until he found her mouth. Such a pretty mouth. Catching a hint of mint on her breath, he smiled. “Found my toothbrush, did you?”

She smirked. “Well, I didn't rule out kissing a sexy guy after a crappy day. Oral hygiene is very important for kissing, as any self-respecting Dominant is aware. I'll buy you a new one.”

“Considering where my mouth is going to be soon, I think you have better things to worry about than a new tooth brush, sugar.”

One long, slow kiss was enough to turn a craving into an addiction. Humming with delight, Thane delved deeper, enjoying the taste of her lips, the mint of his toothpaste. Her breath caught, giving him access to her tongue. He kissed her as though it was a long-forgotten art, coaxing moans from her throat. He almost purred when her hips rose, grinding her pussy into his groin.

If he didn't stop, he'd end up stripping and claiming her, which wasn't in his plans just now.

He eased back, pleased when she followed his mouth. Those fabulous eyes were soft and dazed.

Was it too much to hope they'd turned a corner?


“We could stay at your place.” Trying to act nonchalantly, Connie threw the suggestion at Thane for the fifth time since they'd left his house. “Nobody goes to the club on a Sunday. We can turn around, go back to yours, and watch a movie. Two movies,” she added desperately as he indicated to turn down the road to Avalon. “Blowjob and a movie. Sex during the second one.”

He reached out and patted her hand. “There's no need to be nervous, sugar.”

Maybe for him, there wasn't. The phone call he'd gotten from Braun earlier while he cooked dinner had been enthusiastic enough that she understood Thane had been elevated into the higher ranks of the club brotherhood after his efforts the night before. The Masters had rolled out the red carpet and tossed a welcome mat on the floor for him.

She was happy for him, truly. There was nothing, and no one, like the Avalon family and the people within it, but goddamn it, if he was the hero, she would either be the dastardly villain or the silly, hapless female who'd needed rescuing. Which she hadn't, she reminded herself. She'd been perfectly content in her hidey-hole beneath the giant rock formation, drowning herself in misery and whisky.

Morning might have been a different story. A migraine that severe would have left her unable to move, and with no meds within crawling distance, she'd likely still be throwing up and wishing she could disassemble her head until the agony ended.

Damn him.

“I hate being shouted at.” She picked at her thumbnail. “Atticus is going to be livid. I don't want to talk to Braun. This is going to devolve into a big, ugly mess, and I'm not in the mood to deal with the big, mighty Doms pounding their fists on their chests.” She felt her internal organs shrivel as he pulled up in the parking lot and cut the engine. “Why do I feel like I'm twelve and about to walk into an hour-long lecture from my father?”

“Because you're on the receiving end of a punishment rather than doling it out,” Thane said bluntly, leaning over to kiss her sweetly. She felt the tension of her seatbelt ease as he popped the catch. “You can either stand up to them as the Domme and start an argument, or practice submission and gracefully listen to what they have to say. If they shout at you, I'll step in. I want you in a pliant state of mind when they're done with you, not a combative one.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “No—”

Thane tapped his finger on her lips, his eyebrow rising. “If you tell me no analone more time tonight, I'm dragging you straight into the private room and stretching you open with the biggest plug I can find. You can listen to the Masters lecturing you with a constant reminder of why not to piss me off.”

She squeezed her thighs together. “That's against the terms of our agreement.”

“No, it's not. You're nervous, you're second-guessing what we've agreed, and I get it. But trust me.” He tapped her on the nose, his amber eyes gleaming with command. “Looks like we're the only ones here, so let's go face the music before we gain an audience.”

She glared at the lights on the porch. “We're never the only ones here. They're waiting in there like wolves, hiding in the shadows. As soon as we step through the door, they'll pounce.” Her attention shifted back to Thane. “I'm a goner.”

“I promise I'll smack them all with a paddle if they pounce. Bad doggies,” he said in a hard tone. “Baddoggies.”

Defeated, she laughed and bounced her head off the headrest. “Goddamn it, this is serious. Jasper has a sjambok and he's adept at using the fucking thing. It leaves welts, Thane. Welts.” She shrugged off the seatbelt as he chuckled and exited the truck, shoving open her door. “Anarchy calls it Master Hippo Stick. It was given its own honorific, for God's sake.”

“I have no idea what a sjambok is, but you don't need to concern yourself with it,” Thane assured her, reaching her as she swung her legs from the truck. He lifted her onto the gravel, then shut the door and engaged the locks. “If there's impact play involved, I'll take care of it. No one needs to resort to hitting anyone with a hippo.”

“Hippo Stick,” she corrected fiercely. “Master Hippo Stick.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Ever the gentleman, he pressed his hand to her lower back and pushed her reluctant body toward the entrance. Because she was sulking, Connie hadn't dressed up for the evening. She'd gone with casual, comfy, and drab. “The faster we get this over with, the sooner I can tie you down and fuck you. There, that's something for you to look forward to.”
