Page 110 of Sleep for Me

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“I’m tired of the word no,” she told him quietly. “Just don’t make me regret telling you yes, Sir.”

“No regrets,” he promised, lifting the flogger from her back. “For now, I’ll leave your hands free.” The bumpy ends of the toy tumbled from her shoulders to her butt, sending shivers racing in the opposite direction. “Focus your attention here, Caera. On me. Not in the past, not in your memories. Here and now.”

For a few minutes, the flogger knots teased her skin until she was ready to crawl out of it. Warmth simmered along her upper body, growing more sensitive with each pass. Up, down, side to side. She tracked the rhythm in her head until her hips rocked from side to side, stimulating the tender tissues in her ass, losing herself in the almost ticklish brush of fronds.

This was acceptable.

“Color, Caera.”

“Green is good, Sir.”

“Good girl. A little harder now.”

Caera braced for the impact, seizing her muscles against a bite that never came. Instead, the knots pattered over her shoulders like raindrops. Gentle, soothing rain. They fell from the sky, delicate thuds of sensation, roaming up and down her back until she moaned reverently.

She could stay here for hours with Saul’s voice murmuring quiet reassurances and the blessed fall of leather knots lulling her away from reality.

“Still with me, bunny?”


His laugh was rich. “I’ll make a note on your limits list that impact play is approved. Stepping it up again now.” The next strike upgraded rain to hailstones. As they thrummed over her upper back, she arched and spread her legs further. “Fuck, Caera. I wish you could see how beautiful you are. I could eat you up, starting with this greedy little cunt.”

“Oh please, Sir,” she whined, grinding back against the fingers exploring her pussy.

“Would you like that, little rabbit? My mouth right here,” he teased, sliding a finger through her juices to find the entrance to her channel. “My tongue fucking you, my fingers stretching you open? Or would you rather have my cock? Gonna be a tight fit with that plug in your virgin ass, bunny.”

Caera squirmed, almost tasting the orgasm he was quickly bringing to life. Rainbows and cinnamon, she thought. Glitter and spice. “P-Please, Saul. Sir. Please.”

“Have I told you how much I love your voice when you beg?” Fronds snapped lightly against the back of her thighs, the knots drumming the muscles like hard fingertips. “I hear it in my dreams.”

The sense of loss she felt when his hand dropped away was too keen to process over the insistent throb in her core. With only a few simple strokes, a handful of words, he could have brought her over the edge into radiant bliss, but instead, the knots rained down on her again. A deluge this time, endless and fierce, thumping muted pain and pleasure through skin and muscle into the wells of tension trapped beneath.

Tears rose to blind her, so she closed her eyes. “H-Harder, please?”

“No, Caera. Not tonight. I don’t want to risk bruising my bunny now, do I?” Leather pelted her again, sucking her back into the world of glitter and spice, spinning her in circles. “Now, let me worry about how hard you need to be flogged, and just enjoy it. That’s my job, after all.”

She had to admit, he was pretty good at it, too. She hummed her agreement as the flogger flicked and licked over her tenderized skin, those lovely little knots lifting her high.

It seemed as though she flew for hours, propelled by the rhythm of the flogger.

Her skin became so sensitive, she thought she might shatter if Saul so much as breathed on her, but it was a chance she was willing to take. Even as that thought crossed her mind, she sensed the devilish leather cease its repetitive kiss, and moaned in longing.

“Look at me, bunny.” Saul’s voice sounded as though he was standing on the peak of a mountain a thousand miles away, his words echoing over land and water. “Caera, open your eyes.”

He dominated her vision when she obeyed, his expression calm yet hungry. She smiled dreamily, ignoring everything else but his eyes. Those, she tumbled into with a giggle, imagining herself skipping through the silver flecks that looked like shiny stars.

“Feeling good?”

“Duh,” she whispered, giggling again.

“Oh boy, you’re going to crash when we’re done. Can you remember your safewords, Caera?”

She frowned, trying to sort through her jumbled brain for the magic words. When she found them, she smiled sweetly. “Roses are red, canaries are yellow, and I hate green jello.”

Saul laughed, running his fingers through her hair. “That’s catchy, Caera. I’m impressed.” His hand fisted, tugging her head back so he could study her eyes.

She wanted to bite his lip.
