Page 78 of XOXO

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“She tired you out, huh?” Flash said, and Bones pumped his eyebrows.

“My lips are sealed. Now get out.”

We all filed out of the room, and I tried not to focus too much on Henry as I said my goodbyes. I didn’t want it to feel awkward, even though it definitely was all the way around.

Once outside, the cool air hitting my face felt good.

“Feeling better?” Justin asked, concern in his eyes.

I nearly forgot why he was asking. “Yeah, totally fine now.”

“The same thing happened with the weed last time, right?” Emil asked.

“Yeah, so I probably shouldn’t partake anymore.”

“Nah, just sleep over more,” Emil said. “So you don’t have to leave until the morning.”

“Or build up your tolerance,” Bones added.

Ugh, I forgot he would be headed back with us to their room.

We parted ways with Justin and Leah, then walked to Emil’s room. We were all tired and dragging, so we were pretty quiet on the way upstairs.

We took turns using the bathroom to get ready for bed, and when it was Bones’s turn, Emil and I slid under his covers and he cut the light near his bed. Yeah, it felt strange to sleep beside him, but there was no other option and I was too tired to care.

“Lark?” Emil whispered.


“That wasn’t really what happened, was it?”

“I…uh…” I sputtered.

“It’s okay. I got your back.”



I wokeup early Sunday morning with my bed soaked through from sweat. Even my dreams wouldn’t let me escape my insidious thoughts. I didn’t have a fever or any of the other symptoms I’d first developed with leukemia, and my last scan was normal, so it was likely an anomaly. Even losing a few pounds this semester had to do with my rigorous schedule, I was sure of it. Besides, we only had five more games in the regular season, and I needed to be healthy in order to make it to the playoffs, which began in mid-December. I couldn’t let my teammates down, nor my parents.

Thankfully, Spencer was still sleeping when I got up to shower, my pajama bottoms sticking to me. I would need to do a change of sheets as well.

My nerves had been frayed all weekend as I looked for signs that my teammates suspected Lark hadn’t been truly drunk, that we hadn’t come back to the room for alcohol. But if they had, they’d have pointed it out right after they’d barged in. And it had ended up being pretty fun, proof that our friends could indeed mix well.

I was also worried that Emil would mention something to Lark because of the way he seemed to study us the rest of the night, and I’d texted Lark about it yesterday. He told me not to worry, and I trusted him. Plus, he always kept things in perspective. Maybe he would about the night sweats too, if I were brave enough to mention it.

In the shower, I trembled despite the hot water as all my fears rained down on me, not only about the symptoms and my teammates, but also about how my feelings for Lark were changing and growing deeper.

By the time I twisted the dial to shut off the water, I felt better—or at least more composed. I walked into the room with only a towel around my waist as Spencer began to rouse. I slipped into track pants and a T-shirt, then removed the sweaty sheet and pillowcase.

“Hey,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “You doing laundry?”

“Yeah, figured it was time.” I glanced at his comforter. “I’d say it’s time for you too.”

“I could squeak out another week,” he said, and I laughed. I’d do the same if I didn’t feel so grubby this morning.

“Is there another reason you’re worried about your sheets?”

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