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Halfway to the bed, Kane collapses. With a cry, I drop down beside him. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” I keep repeating the words, partly for him but mostly for me, praying for them to be true. But he gives me a look that tells me things are far from okay.

I glance up at DeLazzer. “Are you sure there’s not an antidote?” My voice cracks and fear like I’ve never known before rips through me.

He hesitates. “There’s a slim possibility,” he says carefully.

“What do you mean?” I ask, clutching Kane’s arm.

“When I worked up at the Quebec lab, my colleague was working on a cure. But he hadn’t achieved success yet.”

“But there’s a chance?”

He nods. “I can call him.”

“Do it!”

“But they’re not going to just hand it over. It’s all about politics and money. By the time you cut through all that red tape…” He looks down at Kane whose time is running out fast. “It could take months.”

“I’ll find a way,” I swear, yanking my phone out of my pocket. “But I need to know if it exists.”

I’m also going to need my Slater Security crew. Because I refuse to let Kane die now that we’ve finally admitted our true feelings for each other.

No fucking way.

Chapter Eight: Maddox

A wave of dizziness pummels through me again and I squeeze my eyes shut. I remember falling down, but now I’m in a bed. When I open my eyes again, everything is blurry and I see two Sailors staring down at me, squeezing my hand, and saying something. I can’t quite make out what.

But I don’t mind that there are two of her. In fact, I like it a lot.

I struggle to focus on what she’s saying, watching those full, pink lips of hers move. “They’ll be here soon,” she says. “And then we’re going to Canada.”

“Canada?” I repeat. My mind whirls in confusion. I don’t remember why she’s going to Canada.On a mission?But I should be going with her. We’re partners. When I try to get up, she gently pushes me back down.

“You have to stay here. They’re going to take care of you, and I’ll be back as soon as I can with the antidote.”

I’ve never felt so sick. When I turn and vomit in a bucket, I realize Sailor’s holding it for me and whispering soothing words in my ear. I drop back on the pillows, breathing hard, my strength completely failing me. My insides feel like a towel that someone is working way too hard to wring all the water out of.

Sailor helps me wipe my mouth and drink some water. I start fading in and out of consciousness. It would be so easy to just close my eyes and go to sleep. But I force myself to focus on Sailor. If this is it, if I’m going to die, then I want the last thing I ever see to be her beautiful face.

I never even kissed her. What a goddamn shame. I don’t have a lot of regrets, but never letting Sailor know how I feel about her is definitely one.

She’s gripping my hand and hovering over me. I’ve never seen her look so worried.

“We came so close,” I manage to say. “That date woulda been wicked pissa.”

“Don’t you dare give up, Maddox!” she snaps. “Fallon and Dash are on their way and we’re going to get the cure. DeLazzer’s colleague confirmed there’s one. I need you to hang on. Okay?”

I reach up and lay a hand along her jaw. “I really wanted to take you out, Sai,” I tell her. Hell, I sound ragged. Like I’m already half-dead. And my accent is coming out big-time.

“And you’re going to. Next week is my birthday and I expect a birthday kiss from you.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t wait til next week. In case I’m not around,” I add, trying to make it sound light. Like a joke. But there’s nothing funny about it.

“Don’t say that,” she pleads. Then she cups my face in her small hands and presses a kiss to my lips.So soft, so sweet.

It’s the last thing I remember before I pass out.

Chapter Nine: Sailor
