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Dr. DeLazzer informs us he’s staying at the lab indefinitely. “Unfortunately, our infected patient died last night. I’m going to remain here and conduct some more studies on the virus.”

A shiver runs through me and I can’t get out of this place quickly enough. Our original clothes are long gone so, bye bye slinky pink dress. I make a mental note to add that expense to the report I send Dash. Based on how Kane was looking at me in it, I’m going to want to replace that baby once we get home.

We hop in an Uber and 15 minutes later, we’re back at the hotel where we change, pack up quickly, and head straight to the airfield. When we arrive, Finn is already circling the jet, doing his pre-check, and I am beyond ready and so relieved to be leaving Washington D.C.

As Kane grabs our luggage out of the trunk, I rub the chill from my arms and wonder where the heck this bad feeling is coming from. Something just feels off. We’ve been cleared to go and we’re one step away from taking off. Everything is exactly how it should be.

When Kane walks over to me, his duffel bag slung over a shoulder and wheeling my suitcase behind him, my heart thuds to a stop in my chest and I freeze, unable to look away from the trail of blood dripping from his right nostril.

“Kane,” I whisper, horrified.

He must feel it because he reaches up and swipes his index finger beneath his nose. His hazel eyes widen when he sees the blood. Our gazes collide and my entire world stops spinning.

Oh, my God.

He’s infected.


The ride back to the lab is tense. I’m doing my best to keep it together and reassure Kane that everything is going to be okay. But we both know that I’m lying.

“We don’t know anything for sure,” I tell him. “Your tests all came back negative.”

He doesn’t say anything, but he looks worried, which freaks me out even more.

Back at the lab, someone escorts us to a room and Dr. DeLazzer shows up a minute later.

“What’s going on?” I demand. “You said he was okay.” I don’t like the little edge of hysteria I hear in my voice. I try to hide it, playing it off as anger, but I’m not sure how long I can keep my true emotions under wraps here. DeLazzer better have some answers I like, or there won’t be enough gum on the planet to keep me from going ballistic.

The doc’s eyes widen at the bloody, wadded-up tissue Kane holds beneath his nose. “When the vials broke, you must’ve come in direct contact with its contents.”

“I cut myself,” Kane says, slowly lifting his hand.

The image of blood on Kane’s hand as I helped him stand hits me hard.Oh, no.

“The virus entered your body through the wound,” DeLazzer informs us. “We need to clean your hand and get you situated.”

My heart sinks, dread making its beats erratic, and my breathing turns shallow. I look down at Kane’s hand and want to scream. This can’t be happening. I can’t lose Kane.

I shake my head vehemently, in complete denial. “No,” I insist, pointing a chipped fingernail in DeLazzer’s stunned face. “You said the tests were all negative. Why is this happening?” My voice is shrill now and I don’t even try to hide it. I don’t mean to take this out on DeLazzer, but I didn’t sign up for this bullshit. He needs to fix it.Now.Frustration fills me and tears blur my vision.

“Sailor,” Kane says, voice low and calm.

I can’t do this. I can feel myself starting to fall apart and panic and-

Kane pulls me into his arms and I hug him ridiculously hard. He runs a hand up and down my back and whispers soothing words in my ear.

He’s the one who’s infected and going to die in less than 48 hours and here he is trying to comfort me. “Kane…” My voice breaks.

“Shh, it’s okay,” he whispers.

I pull back, unable to stop the tears sliding down my face. “No, it’s not! I refuse to let you die from some stupid virus. We have a date. You promised to take me out when we get home.”

“He can’t go anywhere,” Dr. DeLazzler says gently. “We’re going to get you situated in a room, Mr. Maddox. It’ll be nice and quiet. We’ll keep you as comfortable as possible.”

Situated.I hate how he keeps saying that and I’m about to tell him off when I look back up at Kane and realize that he doesn’t look very good. His normally tan face is pale and he’s leaning on me.He needs to lie down,I realize. “C’mon,” I say.

DeLazzer guides us down to a room that looks exactly like the one we saw the dying man in yesterday. There’s a bed and plastic panels hanging from the ceiling. I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to look at it, and my heart constricts painfully.
