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No door means no way in and we’re losing valuable time searching for it. I feel sick as my gaze scours the dark rocks, searching for a way into the lab next door.

There has to be a door.

Ninety percent chance…

Ryan’s words come back to haunt me.

“Here!” Fallon suddenly cries and I rush over to see a wall of criss-crossed boards. Beyond the rotting blockade, I get a glimpse of a padlocked door.

Relief rushes through me.Thank God.Dash drops down, unzips his bag and pulls out a crowbar. The boards fall to the ground, one at a time, as Dash rips them away with the tool. After examining the lock, he leans over, grabs a rock, lifts it over his head, and smashes it down against the padlock. After a few hits, the ancient lock breaks apart and he carefully opens the door.

The three of us cross the threshold and find ourselves in a deserted hallway on an unused subterranean level of the lab. Ryan used his hacker extraordinaire skills to search their system earlier and told us the research for the Black Widow virus is on lower level 4.We’re close. Hang on, Kane. Please.

“We need to go up three levels,” Dash informs us in a hushed voice and starts down the dimly-lit hall. He pushes a stairwell door open and Fallon and I follow him up. I don’t get to see my boss in action much, but he’s damn impressive. He and Fallon used to be Delta Force and he was her commander, so she’s the only one who’s really seen what he’s capable of.

It’s absolutely clear that Dash Slater is a badass.

After jogging up three flights, Dash studies the GPS toy in his hands, hits a couple of buttons then nods to himself. He tucks the device into a pocket and turns to us. “Straight down the hall, all the way to the end, then take a left. Third door on the right.”

We nod and step into the hallway. It’s quiet and I’m hoping that means we won't run into any trouble. Stalking forward on stealthy feet, we make it to the end of the hall and Fallon, in the lead, peers around the corner.

“Clear,” she murmurs.

Almost.At the third door on the left, I stop and read the sign on the door, “Warning! Toxins Present! Follow Laboratory Entry Procedures.”

“You’re sure we don’t need a suit?”

“We’re stealing the antidote, not the virus,” Dash says. “We’ll be okay.”

I pull in a deep breath while Dash places a gadget on the locked door. Numbers flash across the small screen as it quickly sorts through every possible combination that could open the door. A moment later, there’s a soft click and as Dash pulls the device off the door, I push it all the way open and step inside.

DeLazzer’s former colleague said the cure is in a vial labeled “Velox Mors.”

Quick Death. AKA the Black Widow Virus.

With a shiver, I remind Dash and Fallon and head straight for a glass cabinet full of small tubes and vials. I scan over every single one but don’t immediately find what we’re looking for.

“Fuck,” I hiss, getting frustrated. If we don’t find it fast, I’m going to let loose a whole string of the foulest curse words anyone has ever heard. I glance over my shoulder at Fallon who rifles through a nearby cabinet. “Any luck?”

“Not yet,” she says. “But I’m only halfway through.”

I nod and move over to some shelves. On the other side of the room, Dash searches through another cabinet. Normally, someone would be guarding the door, but time is of the essence and we’re all looking.

So when the door opens and a security guard walks into the room, we’re not exactly prepared. But Dash is closest and moves fast, taking the guard down with a combination punch and kick. He drops hard with a thud and Dash looks over at us.

“Hurry up, ladies. We’re going to have company soon.”

Right on cue, the radio on the downed guard’s belt crackles to life. “All clear, Han?”

“Shit!” Fallon whispers, yanking drawers open, searching faster.

I trail my trembling finger back and forth over the labels, scared I’m going to miss it. There are so damn many of them and the tiny writing is all starting to blur together.

“Han? Report!”

“I’m going to answer,” Dash says. “See if I can buy us some time.” He leans over, unclips the radio and responds, “Everything’s under control. Situation normal.”

“Han?” the voice asks, static making it hard to hear.
