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“Uh, yeah. Han here.” He looks at us and shrugs.

“Do you need backup?”

“Uh, negative. We had a slight weapons malfunction, but, uh, everything’s perfectly all right now. All fine here now, thank you.”

“Holy hell,” Fallon mutters. “Are you quoting Star Wars?”

“He called me Han,” Dash says with a shrug. “What was I supposed to do?”

If I weren’t so frantic over finding the antidote, the moment would be comical. Dash is the worst actor in the world. Definitely no Harrison Ford.

“I’m coming up,” the voice responds.

“Shit,” Dash swears and tosses the radio. He slips his gun out from the back of his waistband. “We’re gonna have company.”

“For chrissake, Slater, stop quoting Han Solo and buy us some time,” Fallon growls.

“I’ve got it handled, Dangerous.” He slips out the door as we continue to scour through racks of vials. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack and suddenly everything blurs in front of me. Forcing myself to relax, I suck in a deep, steadying breath and swipe the tears from my eyes.

You have to keep it together,I scold myself.For Kane.

I hear Dash fighting with some guards out in the hallway, but I tune it out and move to another rack. After another minute, I scan right over what I’m looking for and then quickly back up when my brain catches up to my eyes.The label clearly reads “Velox Mors.”

Oh, thank God.

“Got it!” I cry and grab the vial. I carefully wrap it in a towel to keep it protected and then tuck it into Dash’s bag.

Fallon rushes over and gives me a smile. “Good job. Now let’s get the hell outta here.”

I toss the bag over my shoulder and we race into the hallway where two guards lay passed out on the floor.

“We got it,” I confirm.

“And I got this,” he says, holding up a keycard that will get us out the nearest door and on our way much faster than a trip back through the mine.

We don’t run into any more guards, escape the lab and regroup with Finn on the plane without further incident. I’m on edge the entire flight back, chewing my nails down to nothing.Please let him be okay. Please let him be okay. Please let him be okay.

The mantra repeats through my head for the next three and a half hours. It’s sweet when Fallon and Dash try to distract me, but nothing can pull my thoughts from Kane. When we finally land back in D.C., I can’t get off this plane fast enough.

We hightail it back to the lab in an SUV Dash has arranged to meet us at the airstrip, and I run inside and down to Kane’s room like my ass is on fire. Bursting inside, panting and out of breath, my eyes widen in horror when I see the red blotches all over his rugged, yet extremely pale, face.

Dr. DeLazzer waits for me with a syringe ready to go. I already have the vial in my hand and pass it over.

“Excellent,” he murmurs, filling the syringe with the antidote. Then he turns and I hold my breath as he injects it into Kane’s large arm.

Chapter Ten: Maddox

I’m alive.

Despite feeling like I got steamrolled by a bulldozer, I’m still breathing and getting stronger with each passing minute as the antidote works its way through my battered body.

All thanks to Sailor.

Somehow my woman pulled off a miracle. And I owe her my life for it.

My woman.Huh.I like how that sounds when it’s referring to Sai.

Dr. DeLazzer fills me in on what to expect as I recover over the next 24 hours, and he assures me that I should be back to my normal self within a few days. I’ve never felt this weak before, so I’m glad to hear my strength will be returning, even if it does take some time.
