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“Speaking of which…” I motion for my girls to come around the desk so they can see my monitor. I expand a window on the screen to reveal a popular dating website. “I started making his profile.”

“Oh, shit!” Eden laughs. “He’s going to kill us.”

“Not if we find him his perfect match,” I insist.

“I know Dash pretty well,” Fallon says, “and that man is a workaholic. He’s never going to meet anyone if he’s in the office all day and then goes straight home. We’re doing him a favor.”

“He’s going to kill us,” Eden repeats and we all crack up.

“Okay, so I need help with his profile. We need to make him sound appealing and not so scary and intense.”

“What picture are you going to use?” Eden asks.

I go into a file and open a photo that Fallon secretly snapped. Dash is standing in the office kitchen in his blue suit holding a donut.

“Should we crop out the donut?” Fallon asks, tilting her head to the side as if that will change her view of the image.

“No! It’s cute. Makes him look less formidable and more relatable. Like, hey, I eat junk food just like everyone else.”

“Yeah, okay,” she agrees. “Now we just need to come up with a good bio. Definitely no mention that he’s former military. We want to attract nice women who are genuinely interested in him, not the ones who just want to jump his bones because he’s got that former hero thing going on.”

“He needs a school teacher or a wedding planner. Someone bright-eyed and innocent,” Eden says.

“I agree,” Fallon says. “He’s seen too much darkness and has made too many difficult decisions. When we were in spec ops, he was an amazing commander, but it hardened him. He needs a woman who is gentle, kind-hearted. Someone who can show him there’s still innocence and compassion in the world.”

“So no badasses?” Eden asks.

“No,” I say, agreeing with Fallon. “No one jaded or too tough.”

“Ladies, we definitely have our work cut out for us,” Fallon announces.

“Let ‘Operation: Set up Slater’ begin!” I say, and we all burst out laughing.Poor Dash,I think. He has no idea what’s coming. I just hope he isn’t too mad when we set him up on a blind date.

We spend the next half an hour putting his bio together and then I post it along with his picture. I have a feeling he’s going to get a lot of messages.


I’m a ball of nervous and excited energy as I get ready for our date. Dressing in jeans and a little baby pink t-shirt, I decide to keep my hair down, letting it fall loose around my shoulders. Usually, I wear braids or pigtails, but not tonight.

I arrive at Kane’s condo a few minutes before six and park my Prius at the curb. Pulling down the visor, I give myself one more quick look in the little mirror and fix my lip gloss.Here goes nothing,I think, and snap the visor back up.

Right before I lift my hand to knock, the door swings open and I look up. Kane gives me a devastating smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

“Happy Birthday, babe,” he says. When he opens his arms to give me a hug, I don’t hesitate. Feeling his hard body against mine and his arms wrap around me is pure bliss. We linger for a moment too long, holding each other, and then finally pull away.

“Thank you. I’m starting to feel old.”

“You’re 30. That’s still a baby.” His gaze moves over my hair and I wonder if he notices that I skipped the little girl hairstyle tonight?

“C’mon,” I say.

“You want me to drive?” he asks.

“Nope. You’re going to fold your body in half and squeeze into my Prius. Lucky for you we’re not going too far.”

He chuckles.

It is a tight squeeze for him in the passenger seat and I can’t stop laughing. “Did you push the seat back?”
