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Sailor presses up against me, sliding an arm across my chest, and I reach up and lay my hand on top, cupping her elbow. Her skin is so soft. As much as I want to kiss her, my eyes shut and a peace like I’ve never known washes over me.

I’m asleep within minutes.

Chapter Eleven: Sailor

Sitting behind my desk at Slater Security Wednesday morning, the third day in a row without Kane in the office, I reach for a cherry sucker, pluck the wrapper off and pop it into my mouth. I spent Monday and Tuesday daydreaming about Kane, getting absolutely nothing done. Good thing we’re in a bit of an assignment slump. Or maybe Dash is just keeping me sidelined because he knows I’m not one hundred percent myself. So yeah, two days of boredom and distraction. And today is starting out pretty much the same.

After spending the weekend taking care of him, Kane sent me home Monday, promising to take care of himself so we can go out on my birthday. Because, let’s be honest, if I’d stayed another day, things would have happened. Things that set my lower belly quivering and heat arrowing straight between my legs.

We both knew he needed rest more than anything else. And food. Damn can that man eat. He said he was feeling fine, much better, fully on the road to perfect health. I still have my doubts though, and dang it, I really liked taking care of him. He’s always been so strong and invincible, so seeing him struggle tugged at my empathetic heart.

My feelings for him have grown so much since our job in Washington. Yes, I’ve been secretly crushing on him for a while now, but somehow that’s morphed into something so much stronger. I’ve gotten a glimpse of the man behind the muscles and he’s more than I ever imagined.

To say I’m pumped for our date later tonight would be a major understatement. And this day could not go any slower.Three days!Three days without Kane popping his head into my office for absolutely no reason other than to rile me up. Or to refill my candy stash. Without him here, there’s no one to exchange playful banter with or tease. To be honest, I feel like I lost my best friend.

It’s not even ten in the morning yet and Kane has already sent me ten happy birthday texts with different GIFs.He’s so cute.My phone beeps again and I look down to see “Maddox” pop up. I pick up my cell, go into my contacts and change it to “Kane.”

At some point, my annoying co-worker Maddox turned into a man I’m interested in named Kane.

I open his message:So what did you decide we’re doing tonight?

Mmm.I’m tempted to type in “you.” Instead, I write:It’s a surprise! Dress casual and I’ll pick you up at 6.

Tease, he responds.

I find a GIF with a blonde sticking her tongue out and send it. Let him have fun with that. I’ve decided I’m going to do more than my usual teasing tonight. I haven’t decided exactly how much more, but I know I’m getting a birthday kiss from that man tonight. Just the thought makes me break the lollipop right off the stick and start crunching.

My door opens and Dash, Fallon, Ryan, Eden and Colt walk in and start singing Happy Birthday. Instead of a cake, Eden carries an enormous lollipop bouquet and I burst out laughing. She and Colt just returned to the office and it’s nice to have them back.

After they finish their off-key singing, I laugh and thank them.

“We figure this should keep you busy for a while,” Fallon says, nodding to at least a hundred lollipops arranged in a big pail tied with a pink ribbon.

“At least until she and Maddox finally get together,” Eden adds under her breath and smirks at me.

I don’t comment, but I can feel my cheeks burn.

After some quick small talk with the guys, Fallon and Eden shoo them out and close the door.

“Okay,” Fallon says and drops down in the chair on the other side of my desk, clapping her hands together and not even trying to hide the wicked smile on her face. “Tonight’s the big night. How’re you feeling?”

“I can’t believe you’re finally going out with Maddox,” Eden exclaims. “This is epic!”

“I know,” I admit and clasp my hands together. “I’m so freaking nervous. Every time I start wondering if this is a huge mistake, I start thinking about how much I want to kiss him.”

They squeal and I shush them and motion to the door.

“They don’t know, do they?” I ask, referring to the guys.

Fallon and Eden exchange a guilty look.

“You told them?” I ask, my heart sinking. “Oh, no. Now everybody knows!”

“Well, I told Ryan,” Fallon admits.

“And I told Colt,” Eden says.

“But Dash is still in the dark,” Fallon assures me. “He’s clueless.”
