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He releases a breath then presses his lips to my forehead. I notice DeLazzer standing not far away and clear my throat. Kane pulls back but keeps an arm firmly around my waist.

“You guys need to get out of there now,” Dash warns us. “There are several guards heading in your direction.”

“Let’s move,” Kane says.

“We need to take the virus,” DeLazzer says and hurries over to a worktable. He gathers several test tubes, caps them off and slips them into a pouch.

“That’s everything?” I ask, eyeing the small leather bag.

“Yes, but the bomb is done,” he says. “Atkins has it.”

Kane curses and my shoulders sag. “Alright,” he says. “One thing at a time. First, we need to get the hell out of here.”

“This way,” I say, heading back to the staircase, but Kane grabs my arm.

“No time, babe. No more sneaking around. We’re going out the front door.” He lifts the keycard and gives it a little waggle.

I grin and we all run over to the elevator where Kane uses the card to open the elevator door. We slip inside and I hit the button for the main floor.

“I’ve got two tangoes in sight,” Dash tells us.

“Step behind us, Doc,” Kane says as he and I block DeLazzer and lift our guns, preparing to fire.

A moment later, the door glides open and we each fire off two shots as the surprised guards raise their weapons. They drop, grabbing at the gunshot wounds in their legs, as I grab a frozen DeLazzer’s arm and pull him forward.

“Keep going. Don’t stop,” I order him. I understand he’s scared, but now is not the time to freak out. I can thank the Army for teaching me how to stay calm and cool under pressure. It’s a skill I’ve used many times, especially since I started working for Slater Security.

As I hustle DeLazzer forward to the main entrance, Kane takes out two more guards. We burst out the front doors and head toward the woods and our waiting vehicle.

“Great job,” Dash says. “Now get the hell out of there.”

“We have the virus, but DeLazzer said they still managed to make a bomb,” I report.

“And there’s no way to know where or when they’ll use it,” Dash says.

“I’ll keep digging into the lab’s systems and see if I can uncover any more details,” Ryan says when he rejoins the conversation. “Until then, maybe it’s best we get the doctor back stateside. This might be a good time for him to start working on some more of that antidote.”

We’re all quiet for a minute as the reality of what he’s saying sinks in.

“Looks like our time in Spain is up,” Kane states.

After we sign off, I think over the current situation and a plan begins to form in my head. It’s definitely dangerous, and Kane is going to flat-out have a tantrum when I tell him, but I can’t walk away from here in good conscience knowing that a large number of innocent people are going to be targeted and die a horrible, painful death.

Just like that poor man in the lab.

Just like Meg.


Once we’re in the SUV and heading back to the Palacio Imperial, I turn in my seat to face Kane. “So I’ve been thinking.”

I narrow my eyes at his annoyed sigh and cross my arms, ready to hold my ground.

“Here’s the thing. We know Atkins has this dirty bomb and he’s going to use it. Probably soon.”

“We have no idea when or where he’s going to use it. Or if. For all we know, he might sell it.”

“He’s going to use it,” DeLazzer confirms from the back seat.
