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“How do you know that?” Kane asks, eyeing the scientist in the rear view mirror.

“Because he told me,” DeLazzer admits. “He said he can’t wait to spread the Black Widow to as many people as possible.”

A shudder runs through my body. How anyone can be so evil and take joy in other people’s suffering is beyond me.I’m going to bring him down, I silently vow.No matter what it takes.

“Here’s what I’m thinking,” I say carefully, ignoring Kane’s scowl. “I already have an in with Atkins as Ava Winthrop. He likes me and-”

“No fucking way,” Kane growls.


“No,” he grits out, a muscle jerking in his cheek.

With a huff, I roll my eyes. “You’re being stubborn. Just listen to what I’m proposing.”

“I hear what you’re proposing and my answer is no goddamn way, Sailor. Do you really think I’d let you go back into that viper’s den after what happened the other night?”

“Nothing happened,” I insist.

“Because I practically busted down the door and pulled you out.” He turns to look at me, his eyes flashing golden green lighting rods. “He’s not touching you again and you’re certainly not going to sacrifice yourself.”

“I’m not going to sacrifice myself. All I want to do is talk to him. See if I can get a lead on where he’s headed next. Because that’s probably where he plans on detonating the bomb.”

Kane grits his teeth so hard, I’m scared he’s going to break his jaw.

I reach over and place a hand on his muscular thigh. “It might be the only way to stop this thing. Please, Kane, let me do my job. If a bunch of innocent people die horribly like you almost did, and I didn’t at least try to do something to prevent it, I’ll never forgive myself.”

Kane covers my hand with his and squeezes so hard that I nearly wince. “Ifwedo this,” he finally says, “I’m not letting you out of my sight. You’ll wear an earpiece, a camera and be armed. I’m not taking any chances.”

My mouth edges up and I try to move my fingers. “It’ll be kinda hard to shoot my gun if you break my hand,” I tell him.

“Sorry,” he mumbles and laces his fingers through mine. Then he lifts my hand and kisses my knuckles. “We’ll do this together and we’re not taking any unnecessary chances.”


No unnecessary chances.

Famous last words,I think, as I stand on the ledge of the rooftop, watching Atkins through a pair of binoculars. When Kane and I returned to the hotel after rescuing DeLazzer, we looked for Atkins at the Palacio Imperial bar, but he was nowhere to be found.

After hanging out down there for hours hoping he’d show, Atkins finally appeared. But instead of resuming his spot in the VIP section, he checked out of the hotel. We followed him to the apartment building I’m currently staking out from across the street and, just like Kane wanted, I’m wearing an earpiece, mini camera and a Glock 19. Atkins has been in there for almost two hours now and Kane is still down in the SUV, ready to follow him if he suddenly appears.

I wanted a bird’s eye view, though, and I definitely got one. The entire side of the building I’m watching is covered in windows, and I can see a lot more than I want to in some of them. I focus on the apartments that are lit up, trying to determine which one Atkins is in, but it’s nearly impossible to know for sure. I can get a good sense of the building’s layout from up here, though. And I can see both entrances to the underground parking garage simultaneously, unlike down at street level.

Crouching down at the corner where the cement ledges meet, I peer through the binoculars again and sigh. “What’re you up to?” I wonder aloud.Nothing good, I’m sure.

“Not much, babe,” Kane answers in my earpiece. “How about you?”

I chuckle and pop my gum. “Just thinking about how after we stop the bad guy, I’m going to strip you naked and take advantage of you.”

“Is that a promise?”

“You’re such a bad influence, you know that?”

“Me?” he asks, all innocent.

“It’s a promise,” I assure him. “And then maybe I’ll treat you to a little dance.”

“A striptease?” he asks, voice low and suggestive.
