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If my brother could get his happy ending, why couldn’t I at least get a chance to find one of my own?

His frown slipped away as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I can’t protect you when you’re here,” he finally admitted, shaking his head. “If that crazy bastard hurts you, I can’t do anything about it.”

“Elias won’t hurt me,” I promised him. Elias was definitely crazy, crazy aboutme. If I bumped into a wall, he’d demolish it simply out of spite. The guy was absolutely insane, enough to give me a few flutters in my stomach. “If I wanted to go back home, he’d let me. I just really don’t want to.”

“That’s hard to believe,” Antonio muttered under his breath.

“Elias!” I called out. I did not want to have this argument come up again in the future.

The door opened immediately and Elias was frowning at my brother.

“Elias, I want you to please tell my brother that if I wanted to visit the Franzolli household, you wouldn’t get in my way.”

The blond looked hesitant, as I figured. “Could I go with you?”

“No,” I answered immediately.

Elias sighed before glaring at Antonio. “If she wants to go, then I won’t stop her. But if you try to keep her against her will, I will slaughter your girlfriend.”

I groaned, already feeling a headache manifesting.

“We’re going to be one big family in four days. No killing each other please,” I pleaded.

Maybe I wasn’t up for the whole mafia lifestyle. All they did was hurt each other.

“He’s not family,” Antonio argued with balled fists. If his gun hadn’t been taken from him earlier, I knew he would’ve already fired at Elias for the mention of Kelsie.

“Okay, we’re taking ourselves back to square one. Listen, Antonio. I want you all to join us for the wedding. If you don’t feel comfortable enough with my decision, then you don’t have to come.” The words had grown thicker as they poured out. “I just want everyone to be able to breathe the same air without fighting.”

“Ramona…” Antonio’s shoulders sank before he looked back to Elias. “If you are trying to spite me by going after my sister, then I swear I will be up your ass until you keen over and die, Mariani.”

Elias straightened up, scowling at the idea. “You are the last person to be responsible for wanting Ramona. Your sister promised to marry me nearly ten years ago, I simply planned on keeping that promise alive.”

I don’t think I actually promised him that. Pretty sure I just said what he wanted to hear to make him leave me alone, but whatever.

When Antonio looked at me seeking answers, I could only shrug. I didn’t know what to say.

“So, you’ll be attending the wedding, right? I want to see Kelsie. Oh, and I want to finally introduce myself to her sister. Bruno gave me a whole earful about Lily. I have to meet her.”

Antonio looked exhausted. He shook his head, muttering something about me being just as crazy as my future husband.

“Even if I don’t agree with your decision, I wouldn’t miss such an important event. We’ll be there.” A promise that I knew he’d keep.

“Thank you.” Smiling big, my jaw ached. At the moment, the air was still a bit cloudy. I hoped by the time the wedding came around, peace could be made.


“Any siblings I need to know about?”

“Unless my parents were keeping secrets, I don’t believe so.”

Ramona was currently hunched over a platter of different rings. Taking her ring shopping was supposed to be romantic, yet her questions continued to fly out one at a time.

While I knew we missed out on plenty of time getting to know each other in the past, Ramona was persistent in getting to know everything about me. She didn’t even bother talking about herself which is something I would’ve preferred.

She believed any stories she had in her pocket weren’t very exciting, I was happy to disagree.

“A single child? How lonely,” she murmured before plucking out one of the rings. Twisting it onto her finger she stuck her hand up in the air to get a better look. Pursing her lips together, she plucked it off and went back to looking.
