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My bride would be perfect for her wedding day. I didn’t care what I had to do to make it happen.


The last wedding I’d gone to was not too long ago. Something small within our family. There was drinking and so much celebration.

I remembered how jealous I felt of the bride. Standing in front of so many people while looking absolutely radiant, I wished I could’ve been in her shoes. Now that I could be, I realized there was more pressure than I expected.

Despite asking for a big wedding as a little distraction to prolong reality, I didn’t expect Elias to go out of his way to make my wishes true. The last few days were a blur.

The mansion was getting fixed up. Bullet holes were filled and bloodied carpets had been replaced. Despite planning on hosting the wedding outside, Elias made sure to give absolutely no reason for someone to judge his home.

Elias Mariani had image issues. Between wanting to look powerful and undefeatable to his men, he also tried so hard to please me.

I just wanted him to be able to show me his real side.

“Are you alright in there, darling?” Elias asked through the dressing room door, his voice muffled.

“Think you can grab one of the workers?” I asked, fighting with the zipper on the back. I didn’t want to risk tearing the dress. “I need a little help–”

The door opened before I could take in my next breath.

“Elias!” I gasped, twisting around. “You aren’t supposed to see me! What if this is the dress I want to go with?”

The door shut behind him, he didn’t leave despite my words. One look over my shoulder was enough to realize Elias was staring at me.

My heart fluttered at his surprised expression. There was something about being looked at by such a powerful man that did something to me.

“What’s the issue?” he asked after a few seconds of passing, clearing his throat.

“The zipper,” I started to explain as I reached back, “it’s caught and I can’t get it to go up.”

I should’ve ordered him to grab one of the women running the dress shop. If they helped, then my face wouldn’t be feeling so hot at the moment.

Elias stepped toward me with a blank expression. Those were the worst. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, I felt vulnerable.

“Hold still,” he murmured as his fingers brushed the bare of my back. My entire body tingled at the accidental touch.

With the exception of a few experimental kisses, Elias had kept his hands to himself for the most part. While the hunger in his eyes spoke volumes, he never tried to do anything without me asking first. Even now, he had the opportunity to see the bareness of my back, and his attention was pointed at the pesky zipper.

“You really picked the wrong dress,” he joked lightly, “damn thing does not want to zip.”

Chewing on my lip, I hugged the front of the dress closer to my chest. Closing my eyes, I focused on each time his knuckles brushed against my skin.

I must’ve been touch-hungry because I wanted him to give up on the stupid dress and touch me everywhere else.

“I can just try something else,” I muttered softly, “there’s still a few others.”

Elias was a man of determination. He didn’t give up, not just yet.

When I opened my eyes and looked at him through the reflection of the mirror, my next breath was caught in my throat. He was staring at me. No wonder he couldn’t get the zipper up, he wasn’t even looking.

Bold eyes were staring at my reflection, filled with apparent heat. Just like when I spent time alone with him, the man looked like he wanted to devour me completely. By the time I realized how he took in my appearance, he’d met my eyes. His gaze was mad with lust, hiding his feelings through a glass wall. His hands stilled, pausing their attempt.

We were in a dressing room. Other people were inside the shop, making purchases.

Yet, that wasn’t enough to stop me from turning around and yanking the man down to let out a little bit of steam out of my system.

I wanted to feel his calloused hands against my bare skin. Would a kiss be enough to satisfy me this time around? There was only one way to find out.
