Page 114 of Villain

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“What time is it?” I ask, my arm and leg slung over his body. We’re hot and sweaty, but it doesn’t occur to either of us to move.

“Almost six.”

“Almost? What time did you come over?”

“I thought there would be less chance of being seen if I came at five. The police are supposed to be patrolling the area, too.”

“Hmm, I could have you arrested this time.”

“You’re going to use that one forever, aren’t you?”

I wonder if his idea of forever matches mine.

“Absolutely. You werecrazy.”

“We’ve established that you make me crazy.”

“I’m going to need a proper explanation for that one day, you know?” I say, drawing patterns on his chest with my fingertips.

He sighs into my hair as if he’s about to do something deeply unpleasant… which to an aspiring lawyer probably doesn’t faze him. “I do know that. Just give me a minute.”

It must be good if he finds discussing when to discuss it hard. All I can think is that he was unable to control the narrative, but everything we do is without control, so that doesn’t fit.

“Do you have bodies hidden in your parents’ house?” I ask.

“You caught me,” he replies sarcastically, kissing my temple.

“Women locked in the cellar? Live-in prostitutes?”

“Yes, I keep all of my prostitutes at my parents’ house.”

“Have you ever…?”

“No, Ainsley. Fucking hell, I don’t need to pay for it.”

“I’ve heard.” I sound grumpy. My skin is probably tinged green with envy.

“Another subject we don’t discuss while in bed: other women.”

“Can I discuss who I’ve slept—”

His grip tightens. “No, you fucking cannot.”

I laugh into his chest, and his heart beats harder when I place my kisses upon his skin. Someone doesn’t like the idea of me with other men… as I saw when I danced with Mason.

“Have I ever told you how much you piss me off?” he says, removing my clothes.

“That’s a rhetorical question, right?”

“We shouldn’t talk,” he says, rolling me off him and pinning me to the bed again. “I’m going to fuck you so you don’t irritate me.”

“I’m sure I’ll still manage,” I say, pulling his hips down.

He pushes into me so slowly, and my eyes roll.

“You don’t annoy me when you’re wrapped around my cock,” he whispers against my mouth.
