Page 131 of Villain

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“I love you, too, Casper,” I whisper.

My words steal his breath, and he closes his eyes. “I’ve been dying to hear that since the moment I saw you. Sweetheart, you’re perfect.”

“I’m not.”

His eyelids flick open, and he grins. “To me, you are.”

“Casper, I’ve been horrible to so many times. Deservedly so, I’ll add.”

“I wasn’t lying when I told you I like the fighting.”

“You’re so weird. I can’t believe you moved into our street rather than a fancy flat in the city.”

“Neither could anyone else.”

I pull him closer until my chest is against his. There doesn’t need to be a millimetre of distance between us. “You told other people?”

“Penelope and Marvin.”

“Marvin knows? That little sneak! He never said anything to me. Or Imani because she definitely wouldn’t have been able to hold that in.”

“He was sworn to secrecy. I would’ve killed him if he’d told you. And Imani’s big mouth is the reason he wasn’t allowed to tell her, too.”

I want to defend Imani, but we both know I would be talking crap to deny that she would’ve spilled that secret… because I would’ve done the same.

“You’re very sneaky, too. I know you liked the arguing, but you must’ve wished it wasn’t like that sometimes. I mean… it’s been almost three years, right?”

He lifts one shoulder in a lazy shrug. “I wanted to kiss you so badly after every argument, but you’ve always been the favourite part of my day. Angry or not.”

“If you’d said those things to me when we first met, I would’ve been all over you.”

“If I’d opened with that, you would have run. Should we go find your aunt? I feel weird hiding in the kitchen.”

I pout. “We missed our chance for a quicky.”

“Well,” he says, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. “That’s fine because I’m going to need to take my time with you.”

“Casper,” I whisper, my eyes fluttering closed.

He groans. “Come on, beautiful girl, let’s get you wine and Chinese. If you’re lucky, I might feel you up under the covers tonight.”

And just like that, I’m laughing and so fucking happy.

After dinner, which Uncle Bill came home and joined us for, Jess and I sit in the living room—me biting my nails, and her amused at me doing so. The men have stayed in the kitchen at Bill’s request.

“Stop that,” Aunt Jess says, pulling my fingers from between my teeth. “They’re just talking, it’s fine.”

So far, Bill and Casper have been getting along, but it’s only been an hour and now they’re alone in the kitchen.

“Do something.”

She laughs in my face, obviously enjoying my discomfort.


“What do you think is happening?”

I startle as Casper and Bill come back into the room, both of them wearing matching smirks.
