Page 14 of Villain

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“I don’t know. Not that, though. What’s he like?”

“Don’t read too much into it, Ains. We had a good couple of nights, kept in touch loosely, and that’s the end of the story.”

“But I feel like there’s more to the story and I want to know what it is.”

A smile touches his lips. “Of course, you do. Your nosy little mind just wants there to be. I think you’re a romantic at heart.”

“I think you’re deflecting. My love life is tragic. At least it has been since I broke up with Zach.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to get back together with him?”

“I’m positive. We both agreed that we couldn’t do the long-distance thing, and my career will take me all over the UK. It’ll never work. I don’t think I was in love with him at the end, anyway.”

“You need to date. Come tonight. You’ll never meet anyone sitting at home studying.”

If I don’t study, research, and study some more, I might end up with nothing. My aunt and uncle saved for years to subsidise my living costs. They don’t have a lot, but they pay half of my rent every month. I can’t waste their money and disappoint them.

“You want me to spend the night with Casper after seeing him today? Twice in one day. No, thanks.”

“It’s a bar, Ains. You won’t be stuck with him. Come on, you need to have some fun.”

That does sound tempting. I could use a drink, and it’s not like I have to hang out with Casper. “Okay. I’ll come for a few. Can I bring Imani and Freya?”

“Imani’s already coming. Freya’s meeting some people from her course. Taxi’s picking us up at nine and there’s room for you.”

Reggie pulls into his drive, and we go to our respective houses. I’m alone when I get in, but I know Imani has class, and I guess Freya is starting early with her other friends.

Kicking off my shoes, I head to the living room. Reggie’s words still play in my head. Am I boring? I spend most of my time indoors, sure. I’m passionate about my course and driven to make a life for myself. While trying to do that, I guess I’ve forgotten to live the life I have now.

Well, not tonight.

I vow to have a good time, let my hair down, and not stress over things that I can’t control.

It’s a pretty liberating thought… that probably won’t last.

In my room, I dig out my bag of nail polishes and choose the bright red. Once I’m done, I’m also going to pinch a bottle of Prosecco Imani has stashed in the tiny utility room.

I hear the door open as I’m finishing painting my toes, and halfway through my first glass of fizz.

“Anyone home?” Imani calls.

“Me. I’m upstairs and I’m drinking your Prosecco.”

Imani thuds up the stairs, and her eyes light up when she notices what I’m doing. “Hot date?”

“No. I’m coming out with you and the boys. Reggie invited me.”

“Yay! Oh my God, I’m so happy you’re leaving the books behind.” I’m currently reading the blogs of party planners. “I love that red. Let me curl your hair.”

“Take a breath, Imani. You can treat me like a doll if you want.”

She claps her hands together. “Girl, you’re going to be primed and ready to pull.”

“Yeah, I don’t know about that.”

She’s way too excited about me coming out with her.

I’ve never had a one-night stand. The two men I’ve slept with were in a real relationship with me when it happened. Zach was my first, then I dated a guy for a few months in my first year here. He seemed so nice at first, but it turned out he was nice to other women, too.
