Page 149 of Villain

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“About what?”

“Going into business.”

I tug him to a stop. “What?”

“We should give this a go. But we’re not talking about it now because you’ll only panic. Just promise me we’ll discuss it.”

“Um. Sure.”

Smirking, he says, “Don’t look scared. We’ll do the legwork and see if it’s viable. Now, go find Casper. I’m meeting Eric in my room in ten minutes.”

I don’t know if we could work on huge events if we started out ourselves, but we could build up to it. That’s how everyone starts, right?

“Have fun,” I say, continuing down the stairs while Reggie looks over his shoulder, making a terrible job of acting casual. Eric follows him.

I walk across the patio, about to place my hand on Casper’s shoulder. They’re all looking away from me so I can make Casper jump.

As I get close, I overhear something that makes my stomach flip.

“You were right. Your dad and I were sceptical at first but hiring Ainsley was unequivocally the right choice.”


What the fuck?

I stop dead, staring at the back of Casper’s head. His parents didn’t want to hire me.

He made them.


No, that can’t be right. I must’ve misheard because I wasn’t hired, Reggie was. He was the one who asked me to come on board.

“I’m always right,” Casper replies, his cocky voice like grit against my skin.

It’s true. All of it.

What the fuck was I? Some project? Help the poor girl out.

Why would he do that to me?

Flora laughs. “Now, now, no need for the arrogance. Will she be okay? I hate to think of her struggling.”

“Yeah. I know what she earns, and this job will give her enough to get through the last month and pay her rent. She won’t let me take care of her, but we’re finding a place together.”

Was that pity, too?

Frederick raises his glass. “Not to mention the good word we’ll be putting out there. She won’t be short on work going forwards. You have found a wonderful woman, son.”

My heart withers at their words. They were all in on it. God, did he sit them down and have a discussion about saving me?

Tears burn my eyelids like he’s held a match to them. I blink, looking to the sky to stop myself from breaking down as the weight of his betrayal pushes down on my shoulders.

This was all Casper’s doing. He made his parents hire me because he knew I wasn’t flush with money. They may as well all have taken turns to kick me in the stomach.

Humiliation punches me in the gut. He knows I would never have taken this job if I knew he had to talk his parents into it.

When I took this job, we weren’t even friends, sowhy? Was this part of a bigger plan initially? Maybe he was going to get me fired from this job before we started seeing each other.
