Page 28 of Villain

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Damn, his eyes really are stunning. They’re a darker grey right now, like a snowstorm. If I don’t get out of this car, I might just get caught up in the middle of the downpour.

My fingers hover above the doorhandle.

Get out of the car.

A few seconds roll by, but he doesn’t return the pleasantries that his parents definitely would have taught him. There’s no ‘you’re welcome’ or ‘anytime’ in response to my gratitude.

“Um. Bye,” I add, getting out of the car and sucking in a big breath of fresh air.

I force myself to walk at a regular pace to my house so I don’t look like a weirdo running from him.

When I turn back as I open the door, Casper is still sitting in the driver’s seat.


That night, I get home later than usual after a student, who Reggie can’t stand, wouldn’t shut up, making the meeting runwayover. She’s the kind of person to remind the lecturer he hasn’t set an essay. I’m not sure how much I really took in, so I’ll have to go over the module we discussed myself.

It was a massive waste of time, but we drank a lot of coffee, and that kicked my hangover to the kerb.

I slip off my shoes and find Freya in the kitchen pouring two glasses of wine, the little legend that she is.

“I love you,” I tell her, taking the glass she offers.

She laughs and clinks my glass. Her flame-red hair is tied on top of her head in a messy bun, her eyes are bright, and her face is flushed like she’s spent most of the day in bed with her boyfriend. Lucky her.

Everyone’s coupled up and having great sex. I couldn’t even have a one-night thing with a guy in a club.

“Marvin has whisked Imani off for a surprise mini break to some hotel about an hour away, so it’s just you and me for a couple days,” she tells me.

That’ll be why I have about fifteen unread messages from her.

“They’re always going away, lucky bastards. How was your night?”

Her face flushes with fresh colour. “Good.”


“Stop that face.” She tries to scowl but she’s just one huge smile.

“You’re happy.”

“I am. He’s amazing.”

“I’m glad,” I reply and take a swig. “I’ve only just kicked last night’s hangover.”

“More wine helps. Hey, did you decide what you’re doing over Easter break?”

Next week is the end of term, and we get two weeks to chill. When we come back, it’s all about dissertations, handing in coursework, and exams. Oh, and now the event for me, too. It’s going to be busy, but it’ll soon be over… then I’ll have to find a job.

“I’m staying here. My aunt and uncle deserve a holiday, and if I go home, they’ll definitely cancel. They don’t get to go abroad much, and they’ve had this holiday booked with their friends for over a year now.”

“I don’t like you being here alone.”

“There are a few others in the street spending the break here. It’ll be fine. Besides, I’ll be able to get loads of reading done, and I have so much to do for the event. Reggie will be in Spain with his family so won’t be able to do anything.”

“What will you do on Easter Sunday?”

I shrug. “Eat chocolate. Run. Movies. Wine. My aunt is putting together a hamper, apparently. She feels bad but Easter has never been a big deal, she’s just feeling guilty for going away during a half term. I wish she wouldn’t.”
