Page 87 of Villain

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I swipe angrily at a tear—unfortunately, mine aren’t fake—pissed off that I let her get to me.

“My car is just down the road,” Casper says, catching up to me quickly. His voice is soft and calm. Any evidence of the anger he had a moment ago has melted away.

“Good for you.”

“Come on.”

“What are you doing here, Casper? I handled it. I don’t need you constantly following me around, waiting to rescue me.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I was passing when I saw you.”

“Whatever, I’ll see you later. Or hopefully not.”

“You’ll see me now because I’m going to take you home.”

I pick up the pace. “Stop following me. I’m capable of getting myself home. Between you and my mum, I’m so fucking done with interfering arseholes.”

“Hey,” he says, grabbing my hand and forcing me to stop. “Please let me take you home.”

Now he’s the one who sounds desperate. His eyes plead with me to trust him, which is insane on his part after the shit he’s pulled.

“Ainsley, just stop trying to get away for a second.”

I pull my arm, and he lets go, running his hands through his hair, completely defeated. It’s not a look I’ve seen on him before.

“What do you want from me, Casper?”

“I want you to let me take you home. I want to know you’re safe.”

“How can you say that afteryouhad me arrested?”

“I… Look, I want to explain, but I don’t know—”

“You can’t explain that one away. Reggie had to meet your mum at your house late last night. She was furious, too.”

He winces. “Yeah, I know.”

“Everyone agrees that you’re in the wrong. Except you.”

“That’s not it. I was in the wrong.”

“Oh my God. I can’t talk about this right now.” My head is about to explode. I’ve had about ten years’ worth of crap happen in one month.

“I’ll be silent the whole way. Please, just let me drive you, even if it’s only to make sure your mum doesn’t swing back and follow you.”

“I think she might know where I live, anyway.”


“The rainy day you refused to give me a lift home, I could’ve sworn I saw her and a man at uni, then drive past.”

His brows rise. “Are you sure?”

“Not sure, no. I only saw them for a second. I didn’t recognise the guy, but I’ve not seen my dad in years. I think it was her.”

“Why would she wait until now to reach out to you?”

I shrug. “I never understand anything she does.”
