Page 113 of Unlucky Like Us

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“Lily. No, no,no,” he cries into a scream, his face twisting and his fingers featherlight across her battered skin. The anguished, guttural noises he’s making could freeze rain and time. I almost puke. I pinch my eyes tightly and wince at the wall, the concrete, the sky.

Pain is relentless in my body.



She’s not here.

The road is small. Construction barrels obstruct the exit and form a dead-end, and Luna. Isn’t. Here. I rest a hand on my wet hair. My chest rises and falls heavily.

“I can’t lose you,” Lo sobs. “You’re okay. Come on, love. You’re okay. Wake up.Please, wake up.Lily…Lily.”

Bodyguards speak around me. “Someone get Ryke on the phone.”

“He’s already on his way.”

I can’t watch Lo being split into a million pieces. Can’t listen to his gutted voice. It’s unbearable, and no one pulls him away from her. I wouldn’t even try. It’d be like separating two halves of one soul.

Luna.Lo is being torn apart, and I don’t think he’s fully here anymore and realized his daughter is missing.

I whirl around again, looking left and right.

She’s not lost among the stars. She didn’t rocket off to another planet like I know she wanted to after her fics leaked. She’s not invisible. ‘Cause she wasn’t supposed to disappear without me.

With a single breath, I dig out my phone and call him.

My dad.

Phone pressed hard against my ear, I hear the ring and ring and ring. He doesn’t answer. I hang up on his automated voicemail and shoot him a text.

Can we meet up and talk?

And another.

Where are you?

He’s not responding fast, so I pocket my phone. My muscles won’t unwind. I brush back my wet hair, pressure not unmounting.

Frog teeters backwards away from Lo and Lily, and she turns and sees me in the dark. As she takes a few steps over to me, pain constricts her face. “Donnelly…” Her voice cracks, and I know she’s searching for solace in a friend.

I know she thinks that friend is me.

And it sounds easy—to just hug Frog. But my eyes sear as emotions barrel into me at caustic speed. I just want to be holding Luna, and I can’t be anything for anyone else right now.

I don’t know how to be.

“I’m sorry,” I say quietly to Frog and walk away, both hands on my head.

Breath is caught in my burning lungs.

I squat down and grip the brick wall out in front of me, the other hand shielding my face. They took her.

I need to find her. It’s a desperation now.I need to find her.Except, my dad isn’t answering and I’m stuck here for more than a second, trapped in a tornado of people. Police. More private security.

“Donnelly!” Price shouts and catches me by the shoulder.

I’m being whisked off to the side, near a black security SUV and the brick wall. Alpha bodyguards huddle around me.
