Page 220 of Unlucky Like Us

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“Are you writing for them or for you?”

He has a point. Writing fulfills me first, and I shouldn’t worry about reactions. “Okay,” I say, a newfound urge to continue my saga bubbles up. “I’ll write again.”

“You can drop off any new chapters here at the apartment. You never trusted sending them by email.”

“Thanks,” I say, excited about building a closer relationship with Charlie too. I think OG Luna went halfway there, and maybe I could be better friends with him beyond just working on my fics.

Charlie is about to go.

“Off to Amsterdam again, brother?” Eliot asks casually. “Getting your dick sucked in the red-light district?”

Charlie tilts his head at him. “Since when have I ever had to pay for sex?”

Tom starts clapping. Eliot joins in.

Charlie looks pointedly at me. “Your friends.”

“Your brothers,” I say.

“One is a choice.”

“I’d chooseme,” Eliot chimes in.

“As would I,” Tom raises his hand.

I steal the remote from Eliot. “Maybe we should switch to a different season. Can we watch Moffy get married?” I’m eager to see my brother and Farrow walk down the aisle. Or…did only one walk down the aisle? Was the other standing at the end?

I frown at the thought. Didn’t Farrow say I was in his procession?

I was there. I should know how it went down.

Tom must see my dejection because he claims the remote now. “Better yet,” he says. “Let’s watch Beckett’s interview on YouTube.”

Oooh. My brows jump. “Beckett was interviewed? Wait, when did he joinWe Are Calloway?”

“He didn’t,” Charlie says flatly.

Tom clicks into YouTube. “Yeah, dude is still anti-being filmed. But the ballet company kind of forced him into this promotional interview.”

“It’s a rare golden gem,” Eliot says into a grin.

Charlie wavers from leaving, as if interested in watching this too.

“Is this a popcorn moment?” I wonder.

“Most absolutely.” Eliot kicks his feet up on the coffee table.

AstheBeckett Cobalt graces the TV screen for the first time, I grab my popcorn tub. He’s considered the bad boy of ballet, thanks to the tattoos along his arm and being spotted outside NYC clubs. The video begins at a studio during rehearsal. Beckett is off to the side with the rest of the dancers, watching another guy perform a solo.

Leo Valavanis—he’s Beckett’s longtime rival. I’ve known about him for a while, but this footage must be from the years I’m missing. His dirty blond hair is slightly out of his face with a bandana. He’s similarly lean built like Beckett—every muscle defined.

As the music builds, Leo does the routine flawlessly and with charisma.

“Wait for it,” Tom says.

The video zoomsin onBeckettwhile Leo is performing.

Beckett has piercing yellow-green eyes like his mom, and typically, they’re not lethal—but he clearly seems annoyed.
