Page 33 of The Consigliere

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“Do you need help getting dressed?”

I shot him a hateful look. “No! I can do it myself like I do everything else.”

Great, Madisen. You sound like you’re twelve all over again.

Why was the bastard smiling?

I was lightheaded, my face full of extreme heat, the agony of another wave of embarrassment keeping me from reacting other than gawking at him like some fool. Finally, I had the self-worth to turn away, shaking all over as I jerked my panties and jeans into position. When I was finished, why did I find it difficult to look him in the eyes?

He remained quiet, rising to his feet and methodically returning the chair under his desk, the brush smack in the center as an ugly reminder. Then he moved in front of me, sitting on the edge of his desk and crossing his arms. I sensed he was waiting for me to start a conversation.

When I said nothing, he rubbed his eyes and sighed. “You live in Vegas, right?”


“Why there?”

If I told him the real reason why, that I’d hoped to run into the guy who’d been my first, he’d laugh at me before tossing me out the door. That had been only part of the reason, but enough to influence me to try it. Plus, Jenny had moved with me and for the first year we’d shared an apartment. Then she had to run off and get married to some sexy doctor.

“I don’t know really. I went there once on vacation a few years ago and was fascinated by the city and the excitement. There’s an electric element that made me feel more alive than I had my entire life. I did a few paintings while finishing college and knew that’s where I wanted to live. I know it sounds crazy. I know. You don’t need to remind me like Mike does that I am a college graduate.” Painting. I’d told very few people that I painted as often as I could. Mike hadn’t happy when I’d picked art history for a major as it was, acting as if I would waste my life inside a library or museum. But that’s the only thing I’d cared about after my parents’ death.

He sighed, glancing out the window of his office. “Not silly, just surprising. You wanted to get away from Mike. You’re a dealer?”

“Blackjack. I had to make a living somehow and cocktail waitressing became old. Plus, I had to deal with some real pigs.” I laughed nervously. “Anyway, I worked my way up in the casino and make a very good living.” The correct term was ‘made.’ I had to remind myself that I’d tossed away everything when I’d walked into the wrong room.


He was cutting to the chase. All he’d need to do was search the internet like I’d done to find the truth. “Yes. It usually isn’t an issue. Just another business.”

“Uh-huh. Crime syndicates have another set of rules altogether. Who are they?”

I wanted to snap that he should know but who was I to judge?

While he wasn’t an easy man to talk to, it felt good to be getting it off my chest. “The Torino Syndicate.”

While he didn’t react outwardly, I could tell he was growing more concerned by the look in his eyes. “What did you do? Please tell me you didn’t steal from them.”

“That’s not fair. I’ve never stolen a thing in my entire life.” How dare he? Who did he think I was?

“Then what? Are you fucking Dante Torino?”

This time, my reflexes were too quick for him. I issued a hard slap, Viper turning his head while accepting the blow. He closed his eyes and I refused to back down.

“Damn you! I would never sleep with a pig like Torino. I’ve been waiting for…”For what, sunshine? As if the Lone Ranger would ever try to track you down.“For the perfect man. Sadly, I figured out they don’t exist.”

I watched as he rubbed his jaw, half laughing. “No, Madisen. They don’t.”

He slowly turned his head in my direction, his eyes piercing mine, the deep emerald even more mesmerizing than before. The look on his face made me feel guilty for what I’d done.

“I’m sorry that I acted like an ill-behaved child by coming here. It was impetuous and from what I can tell an irresponsible idea, but I thought you might understand more than anyone what I was dealing with. For some crazy reason, I thought you might care enough to help. I can see that I was wrong. Don’t worry. You won’t need to be bothered with me again. Have a great life, Daniel. I apologize again for interrupting.” I turned quickly before I chickened out, making it four strides across the floor before feeling a hard yank as he dragged me backward, spinning me around and fisting the back of my hair to hold me in place.

“You need to listen to me, Madisen. I’m not going to allow you to run and you’re definitely not leaving until I say you can.”

“Just let me go. I shouldn’t be here.” The feeling of being in his arms was protective, as if he’d just wrapped a huge, soft blanket around my shoulders, but I knew it was short lived. I was fooling myself if I believed one man could stop an entire army. I shoved as hard against him as possible, but it was like ramming my hands into a brick wall.

And the look in his eyes was demanding, possessive, as if he owned every inch of me. A fire burned in my stomach, the raw sense of fear that I’d been holding together coming untethered. I hated the feeling of being frazzled, as if I had no control over my own life.

The best thing I could do was completely disappear. Then I wouldn’t need to do everything in my power to try to place a wall between us. I had to find a way to think clearly, or I’d never be able to help myself.
