Page 12 of Dragon's Temptation

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Turk nodded and bowed his head. “Thanks, Alpha.”

“Help yourself to some meat and try to make yourself useful in the community. You’ll be just fine.”

Turk nodded and walked to the meat, where piles of it were still stacked even after most of the shifters had helped themselves.

“Do you think we can trust him?” I asked Rory.

“Yeah, I think so. He’s more bewildered than anything else, and he doesn’t have a good work to say about Bishop.”

“That alpha is a whole different species,” I said.

“He’s a wolf, like me,” Rory pointed out.

I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what you’re made of on the outside, does it?”

Rory turned her head to the shifters, and we watched them.

“I really do think if we can get the vampires on our side, it will work,” I said.

“Yeah,” Rory responded and lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug.

“They don’t agree,” I said, nodding my head to the crowd before us.

“No one likes change.”

“It’s natural.”

Rory didn’t answer me. It wasn’t in our nature to accept change, even if it was natural. I just needed them to stay on board. They revered me, though. Or feared me. Whichever, I didn’t mind. As long as they stayed in line.

For a while, I mingled with the other shifters. We talked and laughed. I liked touching base with my pack once in a while, but I didn’t like to spend too much time with them. I was a loner. The more shit someone went through, the less anyone understood them, and I was at a point where only my closest friends really knew who I was.

When it was finally time to go, I walked through the crowd. They parted like water for me, bowing their heads as I passed. I nodded at them and finally rode the elevator back up to the penthouse, where I stripped off my clothes and got into bed.

Would they still revere me if they knew who I really was, what was going on with me and my health? Would they see me as weak?

I pushed the thought away. They didn’t need to know. The machine was out of mothballs, and the project was in motion. The best minds that worked for my pharmaceutical company were working on it. All I needed was a little more time.

I hoped I had enough time to pull this off.



When I returned to the office, I’d managed to rid myself of thoughts of Colter, and I’d found something for Jerry to eat that he hopefully liked. He wasn’t in the boardroom where I’d left him, and I eventually found him in his office.

“What do you have?” he asked and held out his hand, wiggling his fingers. He grabbed the paper bag from me like a greedy child and yanked it open. The sandwich was gourmet, and he peeled it open to see if I’d remembered to leave out the pickles in the order.

When he was satisfied, he nodded and took a big bite. His cheeks bulged as he chewed, and he looked up at me.

“Women are only good for a few things,” he said as the food rolled around his mouth. “Getting food is one of them.”

“Will that be all?” I asked, holding in all the comebacks I had mulling around in my head.

Jerry pointed to one of the chairs that faced his desk.

I sat down, not sure what he still wanted from me. Surely, I’d done everything he’d asked for.

“Women can be good for other things, too,” Jerry said and waggled his eyebrows at me.

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