Page 21 of Dragon's Temptation

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“You can open your eyes now,” Colter said.

I peeked through my fingers. I stood in a luxurious room. When I dropped my hands, I found myself in a large living room with black marble floors, black walls, and white leather couches with a white fluffy rug in the center of the room. A large plasma screen television took up most of one wall, and the rest of the walls were decorated with tasteful black and white art.

“Where am I?” I asked. “How did we get here?”

“We’re at my place,” Colter said. “I had to get you out of there.”

I took a shaky breath.

“What was that man?”

Colter tilted his head to the side, studying me. “You really don’t know?”

“Are you playing games with me right now?” I asked. “Mocking me in this situation isseriouslymessed up.” Anger and panic played a tug of war with my insides, and it was still out to the jury to know which would win.

Colter raised his eyebrows at me. “I wasn’t mocking you.”

“What the hell is going on?” I demanded to know. I was on the verge of hysterics, trying to keep it together. Everything was wrong. Vampires weren’t real. People couldn’t teleport.

Colter hadn’t batted an eye through the whole thing.

“You murdered that man,” I said, my voice pitched too high.

“I saved your life.” Why was he so calm and collected?

My legs wouldn’t work with me. They felt like jelly, and I struggled to keep myself up, so I walked to one of the couches and sagged onto it.

“How was that man a vampire?” I asked. “Vampires aren’t real.”

Colter didn’t answer me. He sat down in a large leather armchair, sinking lower, and crossed his ankle over his knee. He bounced his foot, the only sign that he wasn’t as calm and relaxed as he tried to look.

“He attacked me,” I said dully. I was either going to lose my shit and have a meltdown, or shove it all away to a dark place so I could breathe. I chose the latter—this wasn’t the first time I’d been through hell.

It didn’t look quite like this before, but I could deal with tough stuff. I’d come this far in my life, hadn’t I? What was a murder to top it all off?

I chuckled without emotion at my thought pattern.

I looked around me, focusing on my surroundings to try distracting myself. There were no plants in the room, and no pictures. Nothing that resembled life. The windows were full length, and they looked out over New York City. The view was breathtaking. We had to be at the very top of the building, the penthouse, to have a spectacular view like this.

“Have you always lived here?” I asked.

“You’ll have to stay here,” Colter said. “You can’t leave.”

“What?” I turned my attention back to him. “Why?”

“You’re in a lot of danger.”

I shook my head. “I’m not staying here.”

“I’m not letting you go.”

“So, I’m a prisoner now, too? Not enough that you killed someone in front of me?”

I thought about the man—vampire—and his throat ripped out, with blood pumping out of the gaping hole in slowing spurts as his heart had come to a halt. I shivered and squeezed my eyes shut, but it was hard to get away from the image when it was seared into my memory.

“Rather him than you, darlin’,” Colter said with a shrug.

“How are you so nonchalant about it?”
