Page 40 of Dragon's Temptation

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“Angel blood can turn a human into a shifter. That’s how the first shifters were made. We reproduced from then on, but the pure bloodlines with the real power…” She glanced at me, “are from pure angel blood.”

“So they left?” Liv asked.

Rory nodded. “The angels realized they were being used and abused and decided to go back to the Overworld. Now, that’s the only place they live. They don’t come to Earth anymore.”

Liv furrowed her brow. “Then how am I here?”

Rory looked at me again.

“We don’t know,” I said. “That’s part of what we’re trying to find out. Until we do, you need to be ready to defend yourself at any moment, and you can’t do that unless you get some training. We start at dawn.”

Before Liv could argue with me again, I left the room, leaving the women to it.

If Liv didn’t learn to fight, she could die. If something happened and she left the apartment, or they infiltrated and I wasn’t here to protect her, she had to be able to protect herself. If I didn’t help her become strong enough to save herself, I would never forgive myself if something happened to her.

I’d never given a shit about the fate of any woman, but I gave a shit about her. I stopped trying to pull it apart—the lurking danger didn’t allow for that luxury. I would do introspection some other time. Right now, I needed to get people to train Liv.

I knew just the duo to do it.



Training at dawnsounded like a line straight from a movie. Rory woke me up when the sun was still below the horizon, and it was dark in my room.

“Get dressed,” she said.

“For what?”

“Fighting,” Rory said, and I realized they’d all been serious. We were going to train at dawn.

I groaned before I rolled out of bed. I got into a pair of leggings and a sports top that I used when I actually had a chance to go to the gym. I hadn’t done that in a long time. Whatever this training would entail, I was pretty damn sure I was going to die. I wasn’t fit at all.

Rory led me through the penthouse and toward the front door.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Training,” she said simply.

“You’re not wearing training clothes,” I pointed out when I noticed her jeans and tank top.

“I’m not training,” Rory said.

“Why not?”

“I already know how to fight.” She grinned at me. “I’ll tell the boys to take it easy on you.”

I shook my head, and we stepped into the elevator. We rode down to the lobby, and then farther down, still. The basement was for parking, but we rode another level lower.

“What is this?” I asked when the doors slid open.

“It’s a personal training facility,” Rory said. “We fight all the time. We have to keep fit and battle ready. The world is a dark place, and if you can’t fight…”

I thought about the way Colter had fought that demon before shifting into a dragon. It felt almost like a dream, but somewhere deep inside, I knew it was all real. This was my reality now.

Colter had moved like he knew what he was doing, with superior footwork and calculated movements. This was why—they all trained.

We walked through a gymnasium with wooden floors in a hallway that led past tall windows on either side. Through the windows, I saw a fully equipped gym, a studio with a mat, a pool, a track, and lastly, a cafeteria.
