Page 41 of Dragon's Temptation

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Rory led me to the studio.

Mykel and Lazlo turned around to face us when we arrived, both of them dressed in loose shorts and sleeveless shirts.

Since we’d had dinner together, they weren’t complete strangers, but I was very aware that I would be left alone with two men I hardly knew. They weren’t just normal men, either. They were a wolf shifter and a vampire.

I shivered at the thought.

I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that these creatures existed at all. I felt like I’d been thrown into the deep end, and the jury was still out if this was sink or swim. Right now, I felt more like I was sinking than swimming.

“Hi,” Lazlo said with a smile.

“Hi,” I said, eyeing him.

“Thanks, sis,” Mykel said to Rory.

“Get her back in one piece, okay?” Rory said to the guys, looking at Mykel specifically. “Colter will have your head if you fuck this up.”

“Hey, we got this,” Mykel said with a grin. “Go drink tea or something.”

Rory rolled her eyes at her brother before she looked at me. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” I said in a small voice. It didn’t feel like luck would be enough for what I was going through.

“You should run,” Mykel said, and something slid behind his eyes.

“What?” I asked, my blood running cold.

“He means you should warm up,” Lazlo said, shaking his head. “He’s fucking with you. Come on, we’llallrun to warm up.” He punched Mykel in the shoulder with so much strength, I held up my breath to see the aftermath.

Mykel just chuckled, and they fell into step next to each other. I ran behind them, and we circled the studio four times.

By the time we stopped, my chest burned, the breath rasped in and out of my lungs, and I felt like I might throw up my heart.

Was that even a thing? It felt like it could be. I pressed my fingers to my sternum and winced.

“You feel that?” Lazlo said.

I nodded.

“That’s your body, arguing with you about what you’re putting it through. Your body doesn’t get to call the shots. Your mind does.” He tapped his temple. “We don’t train until we’re tired, we train until we’re done. As soon as your body realizes protesting isn’t going to work, it will get with the program.”

I was pretty sure that’s now how it worked. I was unfit as fuck, apparently, and that wasn’t something mind over matter would solve.

Not that I had the time to argue that fact.

“Let’s see where you’re at,” Mykel said before I could process what was going on, and he grabbed me.

I cried out, writhing against his strong grip. He held me firmly against him, and no amount of struggling and squirming helped me get out of it.

Finally, he let go of me.

I gasped for air and glared at him.

“Come on, man,” Lazlo said.

“What?” Mykel asked. “How the fuck should we know what she can do?”

“Yeah, I get it, but—” Lazlo barely started his sentence when Mykel stepped right into my face and pushed me backward.
