Page 62 of Dragon's Temptation

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When Rory gave me a pointed look, I sighed.

“Okay, okay. It isn’tjustabout me. I have to be alive to actually help people, you know. If I check out, this place will go to shit. We’re already in a bad position with the vampires. The only thing saving our asses right now is my alliance with Lazlo and the fact that he’s on our side. If it wasn’t for that, we’d have had a war on our hands a long time ago. I can’t die, Rory.”

“No one said you’re going to die. We just need to do whatever it takes to cure you.”

I waved a dismissive hand. “Not until I know it can be fixed. If word somehow gets out that I’m weak, then they’ll attack and try to take over even before I die.”

Rory furrowed her brow, frustrated. “I wish you’d talk to someone about it. I can’t be the only one who knows about this.”

“I’m not telling anyone, and neither should you. I can’t be that guy, Rory. I can’t be the guy who fell just short of being a hero because his body couldn’t stand the test of time. If Shana didn’t kill my dad, who knows how long he would have had left?”

Rory didn’t answer me. My mind spun, going back to when my dad was still alone.

The guy was a jackass. He’d treated me like shit, and the only thing that had mattered was the company. I’d inherited the money he’d left behind. I’d killed Shana, but she hadn’t had much of an inheritance from my dad, anyway, and I wasn’t going to let it go to waste the way my dad had. I was determined to find a cure for myself, and then to help others, too.

Liv was the key to all of that. I hadn’t known an angel with so much blood in her system still existed. It hadn’t been the plan initially to find someone who could make it work the way she did with her special blood now, but who was I to turn fate down when it arranged shit to fall into place like that?

“You should tell her, at least,” Rory said.

“Why?” I asked.

“She deserves to know that this is far more personal to you.”

I paused and started off in the distance briefly. “What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her. Besides, by the time I figure out what needs to be done, we’ll be ready to do it, and none of it will matter, anyway.”

“Do you know what your biggest problem is?” Rory asked.

I frowned. “Myproblem?”

“Those were my words, yeah,” Rory deadpanned.

I folded my arms across my chest. “What?”

“You think you can do all this shit alone, but you can’t. You’re not an island, Colter. You need people on your side, and if you play all your cards so fucking close to your chest, no one can get close enough to help you.”

I disagreed. “It’s not that simple.” How could I explain to her how terrified I was after how badly Liv had been hurt? How badlyI’dhurt her… “Besides, I have you, right?”

“You need more than just one person to be there for you. If you won’t tell Mykel, at least tell her.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I asserted.

Shock crossed Rory’s features before anger replaced it.

“You know what? I’m your friend. Hell, you’re like my brother. You don’t get to order me around.”

“I’m still your alpha. Watch how you talk to me.”

“Yeah, and you’re still a dick. Do whatever you want, it’s nothing to me in the end.”

“Get out,” I commanded.

Her mouth dropped. “What?”

“You should take some time to cool off, then we’ll revisit this when you remember who you’re talking to.”

She glared at me. Rory was feisty as fuck, but she still had to remember where she belonged on the food chain. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she shut her mouth again. She turned and left the kitchen without saying another word.

Damn it.

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