Page 94 of Dragon's Temptation

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“I know exactly who you are,” I said.

I ripped his heart out of his chest, hot and bloody, and Lazlo sank to the ground.

At the same time, Rory tackled Jerry to the ground, and she ripped his throat out when he tried to scream.

I dropped Lazlo’s heart and ran to Liv. Her eyes were closed, her head lolling forward.

“Shut that thing off!” I shouted.

Rory shifted and ran to the machine. She tried to figure out how to stop it and couldn’t.

“Damn it, Colter, this thing is password protected.”

“Do something!”

Rory shook her head before she ripped the whole machine out, yanking out all the cables. The machine hummed and sparked and then slowed to a stop. The silence it left in the wake of its whirring was deafening.

“Liv,” I said, patting her cheek. “Liv, wake up.”

She didn’t budge.

I strained my ears and listened to her heart. It was nothing more than a light flutter in her chest. She was still alive, but barely.

“She needs blood,” Rory said.

I wrapped my arms around her and twisted my ring.


“Why isn’t this thing working?” I asked, twisting it again.

“You’re in vampire territory,” Rory said. “Their magic might block it.”

The same way I had magic to keep them from using their magic in my apartment, too. “We don’t have time to take her to a clinic.” I was starting to panic. The only enchanted clinic we had was too far away. Even if I flew her there, we would lose her.

“I didn’t mean a clinic,” Rory said softly.

“Will it work?”

“Only one way to find out.”

She brought needles and tubes to me and made quick work of hooking us up to each other. I’d never been more grateful for her medical background.

I watched as my blood ran into the tube and into the drip-like structure Rory had set up. I held my breath, staring at the transfusion, waiting for something to happen. If it didn’t work, and I lost her…

I didn’t want to think about what that would do to me. I couldn’t think about losing her.

I hadn’t loved anyone the way I loved Liv. If I lost her, it might well kill me.

Mykel burst into the warehouse with a bunch of shifters at his back.

“It’s okay,” Rory said. “We’ve got it covered.”

Mykel scowled. “I was just getting ready for a fight.”

The other shifters looked dejected, too, but I didn’t give a shit. We could figure out a fight later, if that was what they wanted. Right now, my focus was on Liv and getting her through this.

Mykel came closer, worried.
