Page 93 of Dragon's Temptation

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“I’ve got you,” I said, and I locked eyes with her, willing her to trust me.

“Holy shit, you’re pathetic,” Lazlo said with a laugh. “I’ve seen you with women before, but this… you’re actually in love with her, aren’t you?”

“Do you want to hear the deal or not?” I asked, not taking the bait. He wanted to piss me off. I had news for him—I was already there.

“Let’s hear it,” Lazlo said and widened his stance, folding his arms over his chest.

“If you let her go, I won’t kill you.”

Lazlo blinked at me before he burst out laughing. “That’s it?”

I didn’t answer, but only stared at him.

Lazlo shook his head. “You’re such a fucking loser, you know that? It’s been a hell of a ride, pretending I actually respect you. It got harder and harder the more you fell for this creature.” He scowled before he walked to Liv. He grabbed her shoulder, and she whimpered.

Something inside me jerked. I wanted to rip his fucking head off, but I held my ground. I had to bide my time, make the move when it would work.

Lazlo’s fangs elongated, and he struck, digging them deep into Liv’s neck. She screamed, but Lazlo didn’t take long. One sip was all it took.

He straightened and took a deep breath before laughing manically.

“I’ve never actually had angel blood. They were right, it’s a rush!” He held out his arms and studied his body as if he could see the change the blood made. He would be much stronger now. I could already sense his magic picking up, the darkness increasing.

It was ironic that light magic, the blood from angels who possessed no darkness, made the darkness in vampires strengthen.

Lazlo turned to me, his eyes an ugly red where they’d been blue before. He curled his hands into fists.

“Let’s razzle dazzle, Colter.”

He moved so fast, it was a blur before he struck me.

I spun around, my ears ringing, and I saw stars.

“Come on, man, is that all you’ve got? Everyone always talks about how dangerous you are, but so far, all I see is a love-struck pussy.”

He attacked again. Again, I didn’t counter it, I let him hit me. The blows got harder and harder. I’d only fought Lazlo a couple of times, and that had been during sparring in the gym. Neither of us had unleashed ourselves.

“You really are pathetic. I don’t know how anyone thought you had what it took to be alpha. If this is how you protect your own, it’s a good thing us vampires are going to take over. Your people need it.”

He struck again.

“Colter!” Liv uttered weakly.

The more blood she lost, the more she faded. Soon, it would be too late. I just had to bide my time with Lazlo.

I noticed Rory, creeping from a back door. No one had noticed her. Lazlo was focused on me, and Jerry was awestruck, staring at the fight.

He didn’t notice Rory creep up behind him.

She made eye contact with me.


Lazlo came at me again. He moved so fast, it was hard to tell where he could be, but with every strike he’d landed before, I’d calculated his pattern. Now, he came straight at me. I shot out my hand, and Lazlo ran himself into my fist, so that I punched right through his chest. I shattered his ribs and pushed through his lungs.

Lazlo froze, his hands wrapped around the arm that was buried in his chest. He stared at me with pure terror in his eyes.

“Colter,” he said in a hoarse voice. “You won’t do it, will you? It’s me.”
