Page 16 of Bear's Protection

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Two cat shifters were making out in the corner, groping, before they headed toward a door that led into the next room. Other than that, I picked up another handful of wolves, two bears, and something feathery I couldn’t place.

Did the humans out there know what went on in here, what kind of animals the patrons really were?

No, I was pretty sure they didn’t. It was a dangerous game to play, bringing shifters and sex together right in the middle of a largely human city, but from what I’d learned about Jameson, he didn’t exactly play by the rules, did he?

“Come on,” Harry said. “Through here.”

He pointed to a door behind the bar that I hadn’t noticed and opened it for me. We stepped into a hallway, one side entirely made of glass.

I stopped and stared.

A group of people stood around a couple fucking on a platform. They were mostly naked, although some women still wore a bra or panties. Some men masturbated, their hands sliding up and down their flesh fast, lips parted. A woman sat with her legs wide, her hand in her panties, head tilted back. She didn’t even see the sex right in front of her.

“This is one of the voyeur rooms,” Harry said.

“I can see that,” I said in a breathy voice.

Harry laughed. “Funny. I see what you did there.”

I hadn’t meant to be funny. I was reeling. I’d never seen sex up close like this. I’d never evenhadsex. I’d played around a bit, I guess, and I’d seen a porno or two when my dad’s friends had come over and brought movies with them, but this…

“Nice touch to put the one-way glass in here, huh?” Harry said. “Jameson has a sense of humor.”

“Uh-huh,” I said, struggling to think straight. Despite my shock at what I was seeing, warmth washed through me and pooled between my legs. My stomach twisted, and I was turned on. I was getting wet.

“You’re this way,” Harry said, and he led me down the hallway.

I tried not to look at the couple fucking, the men and women all watching. I didn’t want to look like I was staring, like Ilikedwhat I saw.

It was hard to keep my eyes averted.

When we stepped through another door, the sex was gone, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

A woman wearing a short skirt and bright red top met us at the door. Her bottle blonde hair was flat-iron straight and hung to her waist. Her boobs had to be fake—they werehuge, and she arched her back like she wanted me to stare.

“I’m Amy,” she said and held out her hand. I took it. Her perfectly manicured nails were so long, they scraped against my wrist, and a pulse of shifter magic shivered up my arm.Talons.She had to be some kind of bird. Maybe she was an eagle or a hawk or something.

“Oaklee,” I said.

Eagles hunted foxes.

“What did you think about the little display outside?” Amy asked.

“It was…”

“Wait until you see what’s on the way to the restrooms.”

That piqued my interest. I was getting more and more curious.

“Thanks, Harry. I’ll take over from here. You go do what you do best, you magnificent hunk of meat.”

Harry rolled his eyes, but he grinned, and he left the room. I didn’t really want to be alone with Amy, but I didn’t want to go with Harry back down the sex hallway.

“Right, let’s get you taken care of,” Amy said. She led me to an open office, where I had a desk, a file cabinet, and a laptop. “I typed up your duties so you don’t have to ask me every couple of seconds when you get stuck, and I made sure that you have access to the online documents so you can educate yourself. All the passwords, usernames, URLs, and anything else you can think of are in there, so, again, don’t bug me until you’ve really tried your best to figure it out for yourself. Got it?”

I nodded. She was going to bereallyhelpful, I could just tell.

I was okay with her wanting to be this hands-off, though. She made me nervous. Shifters didn’t hunt each other anymore—that was something that happened eons ago. That didn’t change the fact that I didn’t like the magic that rolled off her. My fox squirmed when she got too close.
