Page 3 of Bear's Protection

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I didn’t know what I’d expected, but a reputable kind of company wasn’t it. I’d wanted to work here since the day my dad had screwed me over by taking everything my mom had left me after she died. All the money that should have been paid out to me by the time I turned twenty-one had been gone, leaving me with nothing.

If it had only been the money, maybe that wouldn’t have been so bad. I could work to support myself; I was young, after all.

The nail in the coffin was him getting rid of the few things I’d had to remember her. My dad had hit me where it really hurt, burning the photos of her and me together and taking the ring she’d left me.

I’d one-upped him. I’d stolen something from him, too. I’d tried to destroy it, but there was some kind of spell on the thing, and before I’d been able to figure it out, I’d had to run. Now I was here, holding onto it until I could decipher the spell.

The dodgy club was the one place I could hide from him. He’d be after me by now, knowing that it was gone.

The fact that it wasn’t actually dodgy was a nice surprise.

“Right, well, I think this is going to work,” Felix said when he ran through what my typical hours would be like—eight in the evening until five in the morning. Then he explained my duties—taking care of administration while Felix ran the show, so we could give Jameson a clear idea of what was going on in his business. Finally, he made sure I could start as soon as he needed me.

“I think this is going to work, too,” I said with a smile.

“I need you on Thursday night so we can get you settled in your office and give you a run-through before the big crowds roll in on Friday. You’ll work with a woman named Amy, and she’ll take care of you. Does that work for you?”

“I’ll be here.”

“Good.” He handed me a piece of paper. “I’ll need you to bring this along so we can get you on a payroll, and HR will take care of the rest.”

I took it from him. “Thank you.”

Felix smiled. “Oh, no, Miss Gilbert. You’re the breath of fresh air we need in this place, I’m sure. I’ve been looking for a shifter like you to take care of things, and I think Jameson will be pleased.”

“A shifter like me?” I asked, confused.

Could he sense what I was? I had the ability to sense what other shifters were and how powerful they were, so that I could protect myself. It was a gift that came with being a fox shifter, like my mom. Not a bear, like my dad was. Sometimes, I was furious that I’d pulled the short straw when it came to shifter magic, but I hated my dad, and I never wanted to be like him. Still, I guess I didn’t know if all shifters could sense the species of other shifters.

“Someone who’s serious about what they’re doing and can get on board with making sure Sapphire is a safe place for any shifters who want to indulge,” Felix said.

Ah. He didn’t know I was a fox, then. I didn’t want him to know, either. People generally looked down on the weaker shifters.

“I’ll see you on Thursday,” I said.

“I’ll be here.”

The phone rang, and he picked it up, dismissing me. I offered a small wave before I left the office. I kept a straight face as I walked past Serena, whose name I knew now because I noticed her nameplate on her desk.

I kept my composure until I was out of the club and in the crisp air outside.

Then, I squealed.

The job was mine! I’d somehow nailed the interview and gotten the job at Sapphire, the sultriest club in LA, the club that belonged to my dad’s nemesis, Jameson.

This was the first step in sticking it to that asshole and making a life for myself. I’d had to start over so many times, but this time, what I did would belong solely to me and no one else.

That was, as long as no one—especially not Jameson—found out who I was.

Jameson Ford was the pack alpha here in LA, a powerful bear shifter who ruled the city’s shifters with an iron fist. Not only was he my dad’s nemesis, but he was also a force to be reckoned with no matter who you were.

If he found out who I really was, I doubted he would let me live. I was the daughter of his enemy, and rumor had it that the alpha of LA was not a merciful man.

It was dangerous to be here at all, but I was sick and tired of living with my tail tucked between my legs. It was time to stand up and demand what I deserved.


Was working at Jameson’s sex club the way to go? It was the one place I knew my dad wouldn’t just find me. It might not have been the safest bet, but I was all in now.
