Page 33 of Bear's Protection

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I stood and left the office. I tried to walk calmly so that it didn’t look like I was running away, but I wanted to run. My fox was bewildered, and the magic that clung to me even after I walked away from Carletta was disconcerting.

When I got to the office, I trembled.

“What’s wrong with you?” Amy asked.

“Nothing.” I grabbed a bottle of water, sipping it.

“Did you have fun with the boss?”

I didn’t answer her.

“Why don’t you just sleep with him and get it over with? Your groveling is pathetic.”

I sighed. “It’s just work, Amy.”

She laughed, and I couldn’t figure out if it was sarcastic or not.

“Work in this placeissex.”

“It’s not a whore house.”

Amy shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes at her, but I didn’t take the bait. I was still unsettled after meeting Jameson’s sister, and I wasn’t sure why her magic still clung to me.

I forced the feeling away and tried to focus on work. Hopefully it could go away if I ignored it.



The bell above the door jingled when I opened it and stepped into the shop. Dim light filtered through dust particles that hung in the air, and the shelves all around me were filled with trinkets and tomes and varying energy signatures. The shop was a casserole of different kinds of magic.

The amulet in my pocket hummed softly with the magic it possessed, as if answering the trinkets all around us.

When I took a step forward, the old wooden floorboards creaked under my feet.

“Who is it?” A voice called from the back room.

“My name’s Oaklee,” I answered.

A young woman stepped out from the backroom. Her hair was completely silver and hung to her thighs in a thick braid. Despite her gray hair, her skin was smooth and young, her violet eyes bright.

“I called about a spell book earlier.”

“Ah, the little fox shifter,” she said.

I froze. “How did you know? It was just on the phone.”

She tilted her head. “It’s what we do, honey.”

Nerves bunched together in my stomach. I didn’t know how to respond.

“You’ve been asking around a lot,” she said.

“Yeah. They told me to come here.” I’d been to a lot of fae hangouts the past couple of weeks, but I hadn’t been able to find Augusta. I needed her help to destroy the amulet. If anyone would understand, it was her.

“What are you looking for?” the fae asked me.
