Page 32 of Bear's Protection

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“Rumors run rife in this town. You’d think, since it’s such a big city, there would be some anonymity, but no. We’re all on display around here for them to pick us apart and feed us to the crows.”

“What?” I asked, confused.

Carletta shook her head as if she was trying to manually shake off whatever thoughts plagued her.

“Look, all I’m saying is that Jameson has been through hell, and we’re all still living that nightmare. With us living longer, a couple of years can feel like a blink… or when it brings pain, it can feel like a lifetime. He’s nicer to you than the rest of them, and it’s sweet to see him opening up to someone… but you can’t read too much into it.”

“I’m not reading anything into it.”

“Honey, just listen to what I’m saying. Jamie is a wonderful man. He’s always been open and kind and there for his pack, but lately… he’s pushing them all away, and I don’t blame him. You just need to understand that he’ll push you away, too. Maybe not right away, but he will eventually.”

“What if he doesn’t?” I asked in a small voice.

What was I saying? There wasn’t anything between Jameson and me other than our flirtation. Yeah, sure, I loved going to work, and I found myself excited when he asked me to join him in meetings. A part of me relished in Amy’s jealousy when Jameson came to request my presence in person. That didn’t mean that I was under any illusion that there was something between us. Sexual tension didn’t mean anything, and I’d started to teach myself to ignore it. At least, that was what I told myself I was doing.

“He will,” Carletta said. “This is bigger than you and this job and your club, and I just need you to understand the facts. He’s nice, and you’ll fall head over heels for him if you’re not careful, but it won’t last. He won’t give back, so don’t let yourself get hurt.”

I blinked at Carletta. “Why are you telling me this?” Had he said something about me? There wasn’t a reason for her to get so intense.

“You’re different,” Carletta said. “I don’t know what it is, but I can sense it. I know he senses it, too, and that’s what he’s responding to, but I know my brother, and I know what he’s been through. He’s pushed everyone away before. He’ll do it again, and then you’ll get hurt, so just don’t go there.”

I stiffened my posture, back rigid. “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere. Not like that, I mean. We just work together.”

Carletta tilted her head, studying me. “And no relationships or flings have ever come from working together.”

I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Just keep in mind what I’m telling you, and if anything does happen… you don’t get to run to HR or make a scene about it. He doesn’t need it. He’s had to pick up enough pieces in his life.”

The more she talked, the more her magic grew around us. It pushed into my nose and mouth while we talked, like steam, so that when I breathed, I only breathed water. I wanted to cough up my lungs, but I was paralyzed by the power that lazily wrapped itself around me like a boa constrictor.

“I’m not here to cause trouble.”

That wasn’t entirely true. Iwasn’there to cause trouble, but by hiding out here from my dad, that didn’t mean that trouble wouldn’t find us.

I hoped my spell was enough to hide me, even though I was a shifter using a fae’s spell. Augusta had taught me the spell to keep me busy. If only she’d known how much it had kept me safe—both here and back at my dad’s place when I’d lived in Montana.

Was that what she was doing—warning me because she knew something?

Of course, Carletta couldn’t know any of what had happened in my life before. She couldn’t know about the spell, about the amulet, about my dad.

She was just looking out for Jameson since they’d both already lost so much.

“Good,” Carletta said. “Don’t.”

I swallowed hard and fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

Carletta smiled and leaned forward, squeezing my hand.

“I think you and I can be great friends.”

Woah, that had been a quick change of heart. It had gone from a threat to a compliment in a second.

“I have to get back to work,” I choked out, trying not to sound as worked up as I felt with her magic. It felt like it was trying to pull me undone, searching for a loose thread so it could unravel me.

I wasn’t going to give it anything.

“Of course.” Carletta smiled. “Go on! I’ll wait here for Jamie to get back.”

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